How often to weigh oldies?

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2008
Cleveland, England
Do older rats need frequent weighing? How often would you weigh a rat - every day, week, month? How much of a weight loss would be something to worry about? like how many grams over how many days

Needing some input.

Sid has had an injection of Ivermectin on the 31st Marth, and he weighed 661g. He's had no runny poop's and has been eating normally (as far as i've noticed). He felt lighter today so i weighed him again (its been 11 days since the last) and he now weighs 609g. I weighed him two or three times and got the same readings each time. Is it normal or ok for him to have lost 52g?
That is a big weight loss... Has there been changes to his diet lately, or anything stressful besides the vet visits?
Weight loss is unhealthy when you start feeling their spine and hip bones, that's when you know it's time to start giving something extra like baby cereal with olive oil. They still require low protein but higher in the good fat.
I think the only thing that has stressed him lately was the vet trip 11 days ago. Apart from that, there has only been Patrick, but that was ages ago now and Sid has been happy since we sorted it (the seperation).

Sid has always been a big boy, and the vet's have said every single time i've been to see them with him "get some weight off him". They just look at his physical appearence. He has a lot of loose skin (like bingo wings haha) just behind his arms which makes him look even fatter. He hasn't been able to use his back legs for ages, so i dont think he has lost any more muscle mass in that area (as Godmother suggested on my other post about Sids skin) - i don't think ANY vet has ever noticed the lack of mobility in his back legs - he doesnt even place his toes on the floor, he just keeps them curled up

I've been feeding him almost daily baby food mixed with a nutri-drink Complan (our version of Ensure), and soaking his lab blocks to help with keeping him hydrated. I've been a bit panicked with it after the last time he was dehydrated. I will check him and try get some fluids into him.
You can feel his spine and im starting to feel his hips a lot more lately. Its his 2nd birthday this month. I told my mum about the weight loss this morning and she, like everyone else, thought it was good until i explained to her that it wasn't (fat = needs to lose weight).

Should i weigh him again tomorrow or wait a few days?

My boyfriend is staring at me awkwardly because we are supposed to be heading to a dinner party with friends, hehe so i can't post any more tonight. Gota run and re-fill water bottles and top up food bowls because he goes mad hahaha
I wouldn't be weighing him anymore but more into feeling him. You are feeding him very well so the weight loss may not be a bad thing for him at this point.
:shock: :shock:

Now my boyfriend isn't as OTT with the rats as i am but he is sat at his computer chair just now stroking sid and givin him scratches behind his ear and he goes "why can i feel his spine so much?!... and his hips!?". i told him about the weight loss and he picked Sid up, said you could feel he was lighter and sat giving him cuddles. he's sat with him on his chest giving him a hug and saying "Sid, you better not lose any more weight"

He just asked me, could it have been the Ivermectin *** that's made him lose the weight?

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