How Long Can Members of a Colony be Separated?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2009
Nova Scotia, Canada
I am planning on going away for almost two weeks in the spring. I may have a rat or two on medication at that point. My husband will make sure all the rats are fed and watered, but I don't think he'll be reliable to medicate one or two as well. I am thinking about taking the sickies (plus one for company) and finding a foster for the time I'm away. How long can I split up the colony before problems with re-introduction start? There are three somewhat older ratties, one being the momma, and 5 of her babies who aren't babies anymore. They have all been together since May '09.
With some rats you can separate for a few days with no problems but I've had to do intros with some just after 2 days of separation.
Once a rat has been pulled out, it doesn't take long for the colony to shift and reorganize the hierarchy.
I seprated my two boys from their 3 brothers recently, because thet are now neutered and the other 3 are not. The non neutered ones still have hormones and are really energetic, and teh neutered ones are now more laid back the two neutered ones live together in another cage ..but they have 4 to 5 hour play dates outside their cages with teh other 3 boys and they don't fight.
I have had sisters separated for a month and when reunited, it was like they had never been apart. (Oromoncto girls, godmother adopted two but they missed their five sisters so much she brought them back.)
It's worked easier with girls than it has with boys for me. Theodore was out for 48 hours and went back in and ripped a gaping hole in Simons' neck, his brother, in around 2 seconds flat with using sitting right at the door watching him. It's probably not likely to be happen just be very careful.
I should mention that when putting the girls back together I started them together on the couch. Since it was like they had never been apart there was no need to do things gradually. If it had been different, I would have gone through intro steps.

I woulder if it makes a difference if they are spayed and neutered.
I took boys on meds with me for a couple of days when I went to look for an apartment in another city and I also took rats on meds with me when I went to a weekend long jam session/music celebration. No problems with returning ratties to their cagemates. But mine are all neutered and spayed.
Hmmm, well all my ratties are spayed/neutered. Two of the more senior girls will be on meds. Would it be better to take the two boys with the two older girls, or just leave the six healthy ones together and take the two on their own? I am thinking I will take the medicated girls to my friends home so that they will get the meds and attention that they need. Then the rest of the colony will be OK with food and water. Waddaya think?
Just to update - I did take my two older girls that required meds to my friends house for 9 days, and left the remaining 6 here. I was going to do a slow re-intro, but then said 'what the heck' and let them go back into the cage with the rest. Aside from the occasional squeak! (You're grooming me too hard!) there was no wrestling or puffiness or fighting. It was great to have them all back together. I did have the temporary cage set up for a couple of weeks before they left so that everyone's scent would be in there and it wouldn't be so scary for them when they left the big cage. Perhaps everyone being neutered played a role in the easy reunion...
Glad everything worked out so well.
I haven't had any difficulties putting family/group members back together after absences either.

Welcome home :thumbup: