How do you stop an "unwanted" behaviour?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2011
Montreal, QC
It's concerning Zak, Matt and Kenny. The new boys. :)

They do some things i've never had to deal with, with Crank and Pickle.
First off they avoid my hands just like babies. I'd think if a rat was used to being handled it wouldn't have that problem with human hands.
They take treats with a more "grabby" maner then i thought they would. Kenny isn't as bad with that but Matt & Zak will open their mouth really wide and grab the food really hard. Doesn't matter to them if my fingers are in the way or not!!! :shock: So far they don't seem aggresive, all 3 took a bath without a bite. But they seem really scared or skittish.

If i place my hand on top of them they'll spread their legs, flatted their body on the ground and have that face of fear. I'm obviously going to try and correct that with treats but i thought i'd ask you guys about it and how exactly i should do it. I wouldn't wanna feed the negative fear they have.

I understand they're stressed because they moved but i didn't think they would be scared of hands or just not like being around them.
Especially Matt. He seems ready to nibble or bite them if you get your fingers too close. Also if you rub their sides lightly they freeze in fear.

I've been trying to poke or touch them a bit then give them a treat but, like i said, i don't wanna screw up and feed the fear.
Any advice?
I would try using some sort of treat they have to lick off you (or a spoon). If they're biting too hard for you to be comfortable using your finger, let them lick off a spoon, and everytime they bite down and try to take the spoon with them, let out a high pitched "eee". Same goes for is your using your finger. I'd guess right now part of the grabbiness is just because they're not used to you yet, and they want to get the treat and bolt for safety as quickly as they can. Having them lick yogurt or something from your finger will not only teach them not to bite the hand that feeds, but that you're actually a nice person and they don't need to be in such a rush to hide from you.
Are they pews? we have had 3 of them, and they do that crouch to the ground routine. I kinda come at them from the side to pick them up, Isis has become a little better, but luna was like that for her whole life. They were all pews. None of my other rats do it.

Toby is treat snatchy in the cage, but outside of it, he isnt, he is a massive hoarder he snatches and runs. If i worry about my fingers I make him stand up to grab it gently, he cannot snatch for what ever reason on his hind legs.

Most of my rats are lil piggies and they always think i have food, as soon as i go at them at least one grabs my finger and nibbles, then they get a sad look like they don't have food and usually run off..

the spoon thing helps too... it help with most of mine to gain trust.

if they are unsure of the area and the other rats, they might feel like they need to snatch the food because there are others there... I don't know though but it sounds good, i have seen these guys scoot a bowl across the table to keep the babies from it many times LOL

If they are skittish that can take a while to break them off, i take mine on the couch so they are force to hide on me, or under my blanket, i keep them in my pocket of my sweatshirt.

my boys hate theirs sides touched, they are ok with their head and their neck but they squeak when i touch their sides. it may be a boy thing.

good luck, they will come around, just keep at it, sometimes it takes a while

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