How do you know when it's time to euthanize due to old age?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
Prince Edward Island
Charlie is 31 months old and has never been sick in his life.. but he's now so old that every day I think about euthanasia... but I'm just scared that he's not ready to go and I'd be forcing death on him. He still eats soft foods and drinks, but that's pretty much it. He spends his whole day sleeping, he has pretty bad HED so has a hard time getting around and he can't groom himself. He is being fed baby food, baby cereal, Ensure and lab block mush but he's just no putting on any weight. I can feel pretty much every bone in his body. He simply lays around, breathing heavily, but his respiration isn't noisy or anything. He just takes deeper breaths.

I told myself that I would have him euthanized if he stopped eating and drinking, which would mean that he is ready to go.... but he loves food so much that I doubt he'd ever stop eating.

How do some of you know when it's time to let them go? I've only had one rat euthanized before, and that was due to a PT. I had him euthanized once he was pretty much vegetable and stopped eating and drinking.

Charlie is the last of our initial group and I feel like he's just waiting to die.. but I could be wrong as he still bruxxes while cuddling with me and will still stuff his face in yummy food..

Help? :(
If he isn't in pain, isn't having serious breathing issues and has some quality of life, he isn't ready yet.
I guess it depends on if you are able to give him the support ie helping him clean himself, attention etc, that he requires.
Rats with hed can still live happy lives and all seniors seem to sleep more.

There is an old info post on here about this issue,
I'll try to find it when I have the time (unless you find it first).
The post contained some good questions to ask yourself.
I know I found it useful in the past.
Many of us know exactly what you are going through. At this point, you take it day by day. One day, he will tell you. You will know it's time.
I noticed yesterday that he seems to have an injury in his mouth and I think there's puss... It hurts him terribly, so I gave him so Children's Ibuprofen.
He wont let me touch his mouth very much, although he's not strong enough to fight back and I think it might be infected if there's puss. He is even gasping for air today and I just can't figure out if it's because of his mouth pain or if he's having troubles breathing. :(

I think I'm going to make an appt to have him pts tomorrow.... I can't let him be in that much pain... and at his age.. antibiotics would be too hard on him in that health condition.
I was studying for an exam earlier and I had him on the table with me in some warm fleece and he just laid there, looking at me, not moving... sometimes I think he's trying to tell me that he's ready to go... but I could be mistaken... :S
I'm so sorry you have to make such a hard decision but, from what you say, it does sound as though Charlie is ready to go and is telling you that! He has had a lovely long life, full of love and is a very lucky rat!
Hugs. I'll be thinking of you both.
Linda x
Charlie passed away in his cage during the night. I guess he was ready to go. :sad3:

It was probably a tooth abscess... you're right.

Thank you everyone.. I hope I'll be able to make the right decision on time with the next rat..

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