housing for rats

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Apr 13, 2011
New York
I feel very badly after reading a few posts about appropriate housing for rats. I have two hairless rats and was recommended an aquarium for them, because it would supposedly reduce the chance of them getting hurt in a cage. The aquarium is very large and I am very meticulous about cleaning it (I spot clean twice a day and sanitize weekly). However, I have read that this is bad for rats for many reasons. My girls have been in this tank since I got them, for nearly a year and a half. I do give them time outside of the tank. Can somebody please let me know why the aquarium set up is not a good housing situation for rats? I feel terrible right now :(
I think it has something to do with a lack of airflow, but I'm not certain. Also, aquariums don't allow them to climb the way they could in a wire cage, so that's less exercise/entertainment.
Rats need and love to be able to climb, so that's a huge issue. The lack of airflow in an aquarium is not good at all for their lungs. There's no way to hang hammocks, toys, etc. meaning that the base of the aquarium is the only "useable space". With rats needing a minimum of 2 cubic feet of space per rat, aquariums are RARELY big enough to provide enough room to keep rats healthy and happy. In fact, I think you'd have to have a custom-sized aquarium to provide them with enough room for day-to-day living... Even then, after rescuing numerous rats who were housed in tanks, and seeing the toll it's taken on their lungs, I would never suggest anything other than a wire cage with plenty of air flow.
:( I'm sorry you were misinformed. It really, really, bugs me that pet stores and even many vets don't know what's best for rats, but they act like they do and give HORRIBLE advice.

Another important related issue is the bedding. If you were advised to keep them in a tank, you may have heard that wood shavings are good bedding for rats, but cedar and pine shavings are bad for them too.

A couple years ago, my roommate bough a rat for a pet store. They gave us all wrong info. It's sad, because most owners (like yourself) really, really want to do what's best for their pets, but then they're given the wrong information by people they trust. It's really sad.
hprats said:
Another important related issue is the bedding. If you were advised to keep them in a tank, you may have heard that wood shavings are good bedding for rats, but cedar and pine shavings are bad for them too.

A couple years ago, my roommate bough a rat for a pet store. They gave us all wrong info. It's sad, because most owners (like yourself) really, really want to do what's best for their pets, but then they're given the wrong information by people they trust. It's really sad.

I have the white carefresh for them, so no wood shavings :)

I really did think I was doing the right thing, based on what I was told. I love them very much and it wasn't because I didn't care. Thank you and everybody for the information..
This is one of the reasons why I really, really dislike pet stores. The products they sell are 99% of the time completely unsuitable - like seed mixes for rats *gags*. If only there were more owners like you - you're doing your research and asking around, hoping to get some more information and become more informed. I have no doubt you only have their best intentions at heart!
Please don't feel bad, you did the best for your pets with the information you had! Many of us started with rats from pet stores with too small cages and poor food or bedding. And it certainly doesn't help that many of the books that people end up with (and the websites people end up at) are outdated and incorrect. But you're here now and that's what matters!
When I first started out... I had 4 baby males in a 10 gallon tank. I feel sick just thinking of the limited space they had. We all learn and do better.
Don't feel bad ..pet stores suck! my first girl was kept in a zoo zone cage on pine eating seeds, but I found out quickly!
Yup, I kept my first pair of girls in a Super Pet "starter rat cage", which is really, really small. I use them now as transport cages or birthing cages for pregnant moms. I look back and I feel bad that I kept two girls in something that small, but luckily I learned quick and then moved them to a double FN - which was kind of overkill... Haha!

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