hiccup type sound? *edited*

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Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
Washington, North Carolina
Every now and then all three of our rats, especially the boys - Kaos & Fruit Loop, start making this noise that sounds almost like a hiccup, but not really. I'm not sure what to think. I looked it up online, but wanted to know what you all think.

Thanks :)


Thanks for you input. I know all vet offices are different, but about how much is a check-up + baytril (or other antibiotics)? Will it be for each rat, or can all three go at once with only one check up fee? I wish I could get my money back from the crappy breeder. It sure would help with all of these vet bills.
My understanding is that it's a sign of mycoplasma infection. Giving the antibiotic Baytril for 3-6 weeks will usually take it away. If they are hiccupping daily you will want to do this to prevent damage to the lungs. Usually the hiccupping will stop after a week of Baytril, but you have to give the full course of the antibiotic to prevent the problem from coming back right away.

Do you have Debbie Ducommun's Rat Health Care booklet? It's worth its weight in gold, even though it's a bit intimidating at first (full of info)
Hiccups are a common occurrence in rats, and IMO has no relation at all to myco flareups. My first two girls never had hiccups I'd ever noticed [and were constantly ill], but my two little ones have them often enough [and have almost never been ill]. Most times they're silent and you just see their little bodies jerking with the force of it, other times I can hear them loud and clear. You get used to it after a while, although every once in a while I forget and snatch them up to do a rat phone.

ETA: I know alot of people have alot of faith in Debbie D, but some of her practices, information, and suggestions are a cause for concern. I'm not saying anyone should not use the information she provides, but to make sure you check other sources, as well as taking it all with a big grain of salt. Always consult your vet about whether or not you should treat your rats with abs. Overuse of antibiotics can cause a resistance to them which is very harmful in the long run.
I really agree with taking rats to the vet about possible URIs. It takes a lot of skill to listen to ratty lung sounds, even with a good stethoscope. My rat phone skills can't compare. With my older ratties, I take them in every once in a while for a lung check just because I have been wrong so many times (e.g. taking one in because I hear funny breathing, only to find out that the lungs are clear... then finding out that one without apparent problems has lung sounds).

My vet said that it takes a lot of practice to learn how to detect lung problems in small animals.

My experience with hiccups is that the only ones who do it turn out to have an infection. The hiccups go away with treatment.
My experience with rat "hiccups" both audible and silent is that they go away with (vet prescribed) antibiotic treatment. Since they respond to antibiotics, I think they are a symptom of a larger problem.

Of course I do not treat the occasional "hiccup" but when a rat starts to have them frequently, my vet does treat with antibiotics.

I do use Debbie D.'s health care book as a reference. My vet has conducted research into a number of things she says and has found that what she has written is similar to what is in the vet medical literature.