Hi, I am back finally and I have a quick question

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
Kansas City, Missouri.
Hi Everyone, long time no see. I had a sick kitty that I have been dealing with for about a month, who is better now, then something happened to my computer and passwords, what a mess, so finally got that cleared up and after three hours of trying, I finally got back on here. Shew. :gaah:

Anyways, hope all is well with everyone. My two girls, one of them (Bailey) had the straw noise weezys and she was placed on baytril a couple of months ago. All has been fine. Now one of them, and I am pretty sure it is Bailey has been sneezing that bloody looking discharge. I know that is a sign of trouble, my last rat did that and ended up dying from respiratory problems. I know a few sneezies are normal, but one of them has been doing alot of discharge brown sneeze. I am finding more and more spots and spatters of the dark colored specks in the cage all over. I dont see any other signs, just hear alot of sneeze, and there is brown speckles all over the floor. Not puddles of it, I wipe the shelves down nightly and each day there are a 3-10 specs on a couple of shelves and some on the plastic around the bottom of cage.

So my question is, what is best to treat that with right now, how long should the round of medication go, and since I am not toally sure which one it is. (I have yet to see one sneeze and brown stuff directly come out) would it hurt to treat both my girls with the same round of medications? I have to take my kitten to the vet tomorrow for shots, I am going to talk to the vet then and see if I can just get something for them, but wanted to ask the experts (y'all) first.

Thanks all and hope this finds everyone well.

Hi Paula, good to have you back. Computers can sure be a pain in the neck!

As for porphyrin... there can be splatters simply by the girls when grooming. It doesn't necessarily mean they are sick. But it's a good idea to bring them in to the vet have them get a good look over, especially since you do find a lot of porphyrin.
If the vet does find that they are sounding congested, then I'd recommend Baytril for a 4 weeks treatment. If it's very mild and wants to give something just to prevent a full blown illness, then I'd recommend doxy.
Thanks Jo, I am taking both girls to the vet this morning just to have the vet listen and see if she hears anything. I just never noticed the porphyrin before. I mean every once in a great while a spot or two, but now it is daily and more than a few specks. I also notice one rat picks on the other one more, they have bickered a few times to where I had to break them up. Dont know if that means anything as to why there is more discharge than normal. We will see what the vet finds. Thanks again.

Hi Jo....

Well, I took them both to the vet on Wednesday, she looked them over and heard a slight wease in Bailey. Gave her a shot of baytril and sent me home with baytril to giver her. Thursday morning when I went to give Bailey her medications, Daisy the other one was gurgling really bad and sounded all raspy. So I gave Bailey her meds and wiated a bit. Later on that evening Daisy sounded just as bad, so I went ahead and have her a dose of the baytril. I called the vet on Friday morning and told her what happened and she left me a script for Daisy as well. So now both girls are on the baytril, and have taken it daily now for 5 days, and they both seem alot better. I am not fining any colored splaters on the shelving and Daisy is not gurgly anymore. So I will finish out the course of medication for them, and all is well. :) Paula
I'm glad you were able to get everyone their meds and that they're both doing so much better!

Just be careful with your vet giving Baytril injections. They've been known to cause problems at the injection site, and they can burn when going in. It's much better to just give it to them orally.
Glad the baytril is helping. :)

I hope that your vet gave you enough baytril to keep the girls on it for at least 4, preferrably 6 weeks. Otherwise they may not be completely recovered.
Thanks again all. Java...the vet gave the one injection to Bailey and the other baytril I gave them pill form. I just crush it up and put it in a dab of plain yogurt, or smooshed up bananas, whatever I can get them to eat it in. i dont like the shot idea either. She gave me a 2 week supply, I am going to call up there and tell them at the end I am still hearing weasing and see if she will do 2 more weeks.

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