Help with possible tumor 4 1st time rat owner

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2009
Los Angeles, CA
Hi everyone - haven't been on here for a long time as all the boys have been doing great! However, something is up with Rudy, who is 20 months old now. He is a male, but he has a HUGE growth (I assume a tumor) on the right side of his body. It's HUGE and it came up really quickly because I just noticed it today. We have been busy with dog rescue work so I haven't been handling the ratties as much this past week, but I cleaned the cage today and it is practically dragging on the ground when he walks. I can't believe I never noticed it before - it must have grown really fast. Anyway, he's such a lovebug and doesn't seem to be bothered by it, but I would like some advice on what you think it is and if there is anything we can do if it is a tumor. Do rats get fatty tumors, like dogs? He's a male, but would it be a mammary tumor????

I have pictures, but it's not letting me attach them at this time. Will try again later.

Thanks in advance for your help...
Males do get mammary tumours.

It could be a tumor but it could also be an abscess.

If it is a tumor, you will need to make an appointment with a vet experienced in treating rats asap.
If he is in good health, surgery would be a good option.
You will need to discuss it with your vet.
The size of it sounds like a tumour, it can be mammary although you would have seen it grown. It could be a fatty lump, those can get large but if it grew virtually overnight, it can be a malignant tumour as well. Only a vet can help you determine your best course of action. If you have a good rat savvy vet, a tumour removal is quite safe these days.
Yes - it seems like it literally sprouted overnight. If it is malignant, does that mean that even if we had it removed, he would be predisposed to getting another one shortly after? He seems so young and TBH, while we adore all our furbabies, he's our favorite & was always the healthiest guy. We've spent hundreds on two of the others (partially due to my inexperience and being cautious - running them in to the vet at the first concern). I was surprised to hear my DH tell me over the phone that he would definitely want to pay for a surgery if it would prolong Rudy's life - and this is the same DH who was very wary of the rats when we got them. He used to be afraid to handle them and now he constantly exclaims that they are the best pets we've ever had (and a lot of dogs come through our home through rescue efforts) and he loves to hold them. So I will take Rudy in for an evaluation.

Do they do a biopsy to determine benign/malignant/fatty, etc? What should I expect? And with each, do you recommend surgery, even for fatty tumors? Just want to be prepared to make a decision soon since it's happening so quickly.

Thanks guys - I really have relied on this board over the lifetime of our cuties. You guys are indispensible!!!!
If it's a fatty lump and it doesn't get in the way and it stops growing, I'd leave it be. But if it continues to grow it will hinder his abilities.
If it's a malignant tumour, it depends what type of cancer...some recur some don't. The vet could be able to feel the lump, if it's wrapped around something, if it's got "tentacles". You could also opt for exploratory surgery, a biopsy will tell you the type of tumour and it's chances of recurrence.
If he was my rat and in top health, he'd be going in for surgery for whatever my vet would recommend.

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