I currently have a male rat that is very aggressive. I adopted him from petsmart when someone returned him and he was put in the back rooms, but no one was adopting him. I don't know what could of happened for him to become so aggressive All my rats Ive had before never bit or acted this way. There has been little improvement. He used to try and bite me when i got his food bowl out from his cage to give him food. Now he is a bit better, i worked with him for hours a day just opening up the cage door and letting him come to my hand. I have a closed fist because he will bite my fingers and it has happened that he bit me so hard that it drew blood. He is okay now when i put food in the cage and fix his bedding and such. He will reach is arm out from the bars on the cage and try to pull you into the cage and then bite. I have to be careful when near the bars of his cage. He is okay when i open his cage and he ventures out a little bit and sniffs my hand and i attempt to pet him. He is very nervous and skiddish. He won't let me pick him up, if i try he freaks out and tries to bite me. He doesn't have a cage mate because my two older males passed away but when one Dewi was still alive i put them in a neutral area on the floor and everything seemed fine until he attacked Dewi. Because Dewi was old and had HED i didn't want to chance him getting injured. Does anyone have any suggestions of what I can do to try to get him less aggressive? To guess his age he is probably about 1-1 1/2 years old.