Well-Known Member
HELP... Ok this is a cry for help form the local ACS...
There is a outbreak of coccidia(Cocci) in the lastest 60 case.... It is killing guinea pigs and costing hundreds to try and control. This desease i only ever seen in Puppies and kittens ..... It is horrific to watch the animal just gets so sick.
We are looking for ANYBODY that can shed light on this issue...... At the moment everybody is doing what they can however we NEED some straight answers about this condition.
the major one is ...
If you have a 100% healthy cavie can it contract the desease. We have been told Yes and then No and Yes and then No.........
Joey is fiorm the case and is showing no signs.. I have done So much reaserch over the net and called so many vets and Still no plane speaking.
If you have any experiance or no anybody that does can you answer me this.
1. Can a 100% healthy cavy contract it if it has good immune system??
2. Can it be cured or is it for life?
Please any help is appriciated... We are Baycoxing all the animals but dont know if it actually kills it. 100% straight ammonia kills it but you cannot gicve that to the animal just the living area and Objects..
So PLEASE HELP.. It is desperate other wise me and many other families have to face the fact the animals need to be PTS and Joey is to special to me for that to happen HELP..
I know this is a rat forum and rat section but everybody here is desperate for ANY info on this tradgic Illness..
There is a outbreak of coccidia(Cocci) in the lastest 60 case.... It is killing guinea pigs and costing hundreds to try and control. This desease i only ever seen in Puppies and kittens ..... It is horrific to watch the animal just gets so sick.
We are looking for ANYBODY that can shed light on this issue...... At the moment everybody is doing what they can however we NEED some straight answers about this condition.
the major one is ...
If you have a 100% healthy cavie can it contract the desease. We have been told Yes and then No and Yes and then No.........
Joey is fiorm the case and is showing no signs.. I have done So much reaserch over the net and called so many vets and Still no plane speaking.
If you have any experiance or no anybody that does can you answer me this.
1. Can a 100% healthy cavy contract it if it has good immune system??
2. Can it be cured or is it for life?
Please any help is appriciated... We are Baycoxing all the animals but dont know if it actually kills it. 100% straight ammonia kills it but you cannot gicve that to the animal just the living area and Objects..
So PLEASE HELP.. It is desperate other wise me and many other families have to face the fact the animals need to be PTS and Joey is to special to me for that to happen HELP..
I know this is a rat forum and rat section but everybody here is desperate for ANY info on this tradgic Illness..