Help Please - Sneezy Rattie

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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2008
United States
Hi Guys,

Okay so I'm sitting here with some children's benadryl, some echinacea, and some cheerios. She's already on Amoxicillin, but I want to know what else I can do in conjunction to that.

Advice please, you guys are the best!! :)
I'd give her 0.1 ml of Benedryl. Did you buy the children's echinacea? the one without alcohol. I believe people give one drop of it. It should be given everyday for a couple of weeks, then one week no echinacea. So it's 2 weeks on, 1 week off. That's how I used to do it many many moons ago.
Hi Jo, (if you don't mind me calling you jo that is)

I bought the echinacea capsules. It says you can open them to make a tea so they are liquid inside. They are 400mg each and it does not say there is anything in them but the enchinacea and some gelatin (because of the capsule which I wouldn't be using). Shoot is that the wrong thing..... where do I buy the liquid?

And the benadryl is Childrens... so .1 ml of childrens? That's the 0.1 mark on my syringe right?

Thanks! You're the best! :)
Oh dear, can't help you with the echinacia, maybe someone else will be able too.
Ya, the benedryl, try the .1 and see how she responds to that.
The childrens echineacha I get is at Shoppers Drug Mart in the herbal section (basically you should be able to find it in any pharmacy). The pills someone else will have to answer for you.
Lily is on her 5th day of the combo meds - doxy and baytril. Yet she is still sneezing a little.

If this is myco, what is the prognosis? Will that ever 'go away' or lessen?

How long do rats with active myco flare ups like that live?

They can live for a long while. Sometimes the rat has to be on meds their whole life. I wonder if maybe it's allergies? My Sven sneezed all his life and he died at 33 months. He was on meds and allergy medication all his life.
Have you tried asking your vet if they can do a culture? I had this done twice for my Kerfuffle... he sneezed every day since I brought him home. First time around he had kennel cough, and the second time he had the bacteria that causes cat-scratch fever. The benefit of doing a culture is that they test to see which antibiotics will effectively treat the infection.
I got my baby a week ago and she started to sneeze constantly and i took her to the vets and they gave me anti biotics for her (0.1 everyday for 5 days) but she is still sneezing!

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