Help! How do you know if a rat has been poisoned???

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Jul 7, 2009
Just found a bottle of leather dye (!!!!!!!!) with tell tale chew marks and starting to freak out. Luckily, I bought the only eco-friendly and "non-toxic" leather dye on the market, but still confused as to its possible effects and can't find an ingredient list for it anywhere online!

It's weird because it made a huge mess on me (hands dyed, etc), but neither of my two girls seem to have dye on them?!? One has started squeaking profusely though and I'm getting really paranoid!

If something is "non-toxic" is is still harmful?How can you tell if a rat has been poisoned?

To be honest I just took them in to see Dr. Munn twice in the last month and I have been jobless since May, meaning if they seem unwell I will take them in of course, but trying to avoid that if they are ok.

Any signs I should look out for??

Thanks so much in advance,
Just keep an eye on them to see if there are any ill effects, they will probably start to show before Dr. Munn opens in the morning. I don't know that's there's a lot that can be done if she was poisoned, but it doesn't sound like she ingested much/any of the dye. I would try to encourage her to drink plenty of fluids and hope for the best. If you are still worried, you can call the office in the morning and ask them whether they feel a visit is warranted.
You can always try calling poison control. They're knowledgeable about all sorts of things, if you tell them the brand they might know what's in it.

Rats that eat things that don't agree with them often eat things that are inedible -- bedding, dirt, whatever -- so keep an eye out for that. Also keep an eye out for any neuro signs.

But rats are also very good about only eating small amounts of things they've never tried before, and they usually don't ingest things that they gnaw on. So they very well may have chewed the bottle without actually ingesting anything.
I doubt a vet could do anything, I'd just watch them to see any neurological signs like confusion or pain like zoning out.
Keep us posted! Good luck!
Call the poison hotline, and try to find out if activated charcoal is recommended for the particular fluid. If they don't have dye on them/the bottle isn't leaking, I wouldn't worry, though.
The effects you would see would vary depending on the type of poison and how it affects them. How quickly you see the effects will also vary depending on the type of poison, how much they ingested, and how much is required to even affect them. There may be neurological signs, or may not. Your only sign may be lethargy, then death. Or they may start bleeding profusely from any and every orifice or even minor wounds. I don't mean to frighten you, these are all possibilities. From what you describe, it doesn't sound like they were poisoned, but just keep an eye on them, keep them drinking fluids.

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