Healthy Weights?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
Kingston, Ontario
I am curious as to what is the "standard" healthy weight for rats of different ages and such. I know all rats can b different sizes, thus being a different weight, but I was noticing most males Troubles age, and somewhat younger, and nearly 150 - 200g more than him. He;s the 'fattest' rat I've ever had, but I've mainly only had girls before these boys...but he seems like he has some extra skin :giggle: So am wondering if I should be worrying about his weight since he is roughly 19months old now.
Same with my smeeze boys. They're only about 5, maybe 6 months old and have definitely gained weight from when I first got them, but am wondering if there's a "perfect weight range" or something lol Yes, I'm paranoid...
It of course really depends on their frames. I have a thin girl who weighs 420 grams, while if some other rats weighed that they would be quite fat.

If you show pictures we can help. The best way to tell if the weight is right is to look at them. One surefire thing, rats should not have rolls :giggle:

Oh and the average rat weights:

Female adult: average weight: 225 to 400 grams
Male adult: average weight: 250 to 550 grams
Dazzle87 said:
It of course really depends on their frames. I have a thin girl who weighs 420 grams, while if some other rats weighed that they would be quite fat.

If you show pictures we can help. The best way to tell if the weight is right is to look at them. One surefire thing, rats should not have rolls :giggle:

Oh and the average rat weights:

Female adult: average weight: 225 to 400 grams
Male adult: average weight: 250 to 550 grams

Wow, quite the range I suppose hehe

I do have some pics, although they're always on the move...I only know Trouble's exact weight is 365g, need to get the boys to sit still enough to weigh them.


I think this is a pretty good pic of all of them...Trouble is roughly 19 months old, while the smeeze boys are roughly 5 to 6 months old.
It's really hard to say by weight because like Dazzle mentions, there are all types of sizes.
I'm quite happy if I can keep my males under 550 grams. My females have all been around 300.
I haven't weighed Ferd yet but I know with him, he's a solid big rat, so it's not going to be a low number but I'm not worried because he's not obese even though he's a bigger boy.
It all depends on the build for sure.

My teddy is 670 grams ..but he is not obese ..just really big build.

Bella on the other hand is close to 500 grams ..and is rather chunky haha
Ratty Momma said:
It all depends on the build for sure.

My teddy is 670 grams ..but he is not obese ..just really big build.

Bella on the other hand is close to 500 grams ..and is rather chunky haha

I'd never call Bella chunky :giggle: Too adorable for that lol

Hmmm...I suppose it is very hard to tell rat to rat...I'm just paranoid I guess. Trouble is much bigger than most rats I've had, but doesn't too over weight...What do you guys think? The smeeze boys have definitely gained quite a bit of weight since coming here - but they needed it...

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