Healthier - Male or Female?

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Active Member
Sep 15, 2010
St Petersburg, FL
Hi everyone. I am expecting to adopt 2 rats from some recent litters in the next few weeks, and I originally decided on 2 females due to their smaller size and energy level. However, I've been reading a lot of health articles here about tumors on females. Since I still have the option to pick the genders I would like from the litter, would it be better for me to go with males? I will have limited finances for medical expenses, and while I will do everything in my power should something arise, I am concerned I could not afford the spaying for the females or tumor removal should they occur. How common are these tumors, and other health problems? with males as well?

When rats get sick they die fast, so a vet fund or credit card as well as a good vet are important.
Girls are prone to mammary tumors. Both sexes get other types of tumors.
Respiratory problems requiring immediate vet visits and antibiotics are common.

Genetics and care are two main factors in health.
I haven't noticed a difference in health issues between the sexes but I get all my boys neutered and my girls spayed.
I never thought about it that way, one sex being healthier than the other. But thinking on it... you are probably right in thinking that boys might be better. Boys can get tumours as well but it's not as common. Boys can become aggressive thus needing a neuter but again, that is not common. In females, you can almost be sure you will experience tumours at some point if left unspayed.
Of course there are no health guarantee on either sex.
I also urge you to start a vet fund. Save a bit every month for emergencies. :)

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