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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2010
New Brunswick, Canada
I have a 5 month old rat that is starting to show signs of head tilt. His head is turned slightly to the right. I couldn't get in to see my regular vet but the vet we did see recommended metacam.

Is this the right treatment? Or should I be rebooking into my rat vet?
They didn't send you home with anything else? I'd rebook with your vet for sure. Your rat needs antibiotics to fight the infection that's causing the head tilt (it's usually an inner ear infection).
You definitely should have something like Baytril to treat the inner ear infection. Metacam is for pain relief.
I'd go back booking a re-check which should be much cheaper than a regular visit.
thefriggintribe said:
I contacted my vet and left a message. Hopefully I will get some antibiotics asap because Rusty is scratching and digging at his ear.

That definitely sounds like an ear infection. Can you smell anything if you sniff in his ear? If it's deep-down you might not be able to smell anything but I know with dogs, you can smell an ear infection from just flipping the ear up (on a floppy eared dog.)
the recomended antibiotics are:
clavamox + baytril

the medacam has anti-inflamatory effects and may help prevent permanent damage
It takes a long time of meds for an ear infection. The tilt could remain even after the infection is cleared. Good luck with your sweetie.
I've had several rats with head tilt; we found baytril, or chloropalm (chloramphenicol) to be very helpful, and I usually was given prednisone, but the metacam is also an anti-inflammatory (NSAID).

Head tilt can take a long while (weeks) to clear up; the rolling usually stops quickly, but the energy should start to come back soon; the tilt may clear up, lessen in its severity, or remain. But even if the tilt remains, the rat's energy comes back once the infection is cleared up, and they do adapt to a head tilt very quickly.

Hoping your little one heals quickly. Please let us know.
One week since he has been on baytril and the metacam and we haven't seen any improvement yet. He is still walking in a straight line, eating and drinking on his own. Overall he is a happy little boy with a slight tilt.

Still keeping our fingers crossed.

Thanks again!

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