Having Boys Neutered ...Deed done NOW WHAT???

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Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2009
New Brunswick, Canada
My 2 little men are having the deed done tomorrow...I have to drive approx 2hr to the vet.
I will be taking them in a smaller hamster cage as the travel cage I figure this would be ok for the 4hrs of driving?
Also should I fold up a fleece blanket on bottom of the travel cage for them or put Boxo and YN on bottom? and when they get home is the boxo and YN on bottom of their home cage ok after surgery or should I take out for a few days and only have fleece?
Or does any of this really matter.
My vet recommends YN litter for cats after a surgery at least until healed...so no loose litter gets in sore spots...so thought I should ask about the rats as well.
I wouldn't use the boxo for a bit. Yesterday's News is great or just plain fleece is even better. I would put fleece down in the carriers as well. And don't worry about the size of it for travel, they'll be just fine.
Good luck!
The cage should be okay for 4 hours, they generally don't move very much when you travel, they will probably just sleep. Take water or refreshing foods though to keep them hydrated in the car.

I've never used yesterdays news and know nothing about it. I'd probably just use fleece.

Good luck :)
Yeah I think the fleece is a good choice cause like Rachael said they're going to be sleeping most of the time. When I had my boys fixed I think they appreciated the 3 layers of fleece I put in there lol they looked really comfy all sprawled out sleeping in their travel carrier! Good luck tomorrow!
Boys Neuter went well...
But Peanut is digging at his surgical area alot...I cannot tell if Jasper is he is hiding...They will not take their meds even mixed with Srawberry Quick Syrup...they are sucking in their sides and doing what I assume to be the owie stretch...poor babies...but they are playing and eating and drinking...
Lindsay thinks the Vet we went to does internal stitches and outer glue I cannot see visable stitches...but what should I be watching for with them picking at their inscisions?
and is the pain meds only once a day for sure? cause the sucked in sides and stretching tells me that they are in pain... :(
The girl at the vet clinic said I could start the meds tonight...She did not tell me they had a shot for the pain meds that would be good til tomorrow! I gave them a bit...not that they would take much but Jasper did take some...pain meds and ab...now I am freaking out! if the pain meds only once a day...and the clinic already gave a 24hr shot...then giving tonight would be too soon and likely too much!!!

*Edit adding info*
Talked to hubby he said he thought by what she said we should start both pain and abs tonight...she even said they can start tonight and pain meds is only once a day and ab twice a day...so abs morning and evening pain once every 24hrs...

BUT I am sure that she also said they will sleep on the way home as they had a shot...
Actually if it is metacam, rats get it twice a day.
But if they got a shot, normally they wouldn't get anymore for approx 24 hours.
Maybe they were not given a shot because what you are describing sounds like owie streches, sucked in sides = pain.
I hope so!
the girl seemed a bit hesitant...I should have questioned her...So what would happen if they got another dose too soon...altho I am assuming with the pain signs they needed it...but what would I be looking for in the way of meds given too soon?
Are the boys eating, drinking and alert? How long ago did you give the meds? I don't think it would take them too long to become lethargic with too much Metacam.
New info states that metacam can be given in higher doses and I've noticed that almost all vets, including mine give way too small a dose. So I'm betting your little ones will be just fine.
OK I will keep and eye on them...they did play and eat a bit after their meds tho they do seem slower...but I would think thats to be expected...after having their bit removed...

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