Harrison has a red large bump- update it poped

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Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2011
So about two days ago i noticed harrison had a large redbump on the corner of his eye i tried putting a warm cloth on it ect... and nothing seemed to help. yesterday my other boys started picking at it so now it has a scab on it :( I got a hold of my vet asap and tomorrow at 11;20 he gets to see his friend the vet :D I am hopeing its nothing to to bad and it can get treated. he is eating and drinking fine active and still being the father figure to the babies. I cant but help feel maybe i could of done something and he would have this bump :( The bump poped tonight and i white ish colour came out isit an infection or something els? he now has a hole where it use to be he is another cage since my other boys are picking at it how long should i keep him separted and will it be hard to put him back?
That sounds like an abscess and if so, the scab was not caused by the other rats, it's the natural progression of an abscess. The white stuff should come out and you can clean it really good. Once that's done, keep it clean and it should heal on it's own. But you did nothing wrong for this to happen.
Your vet will be able to clean it out real good and possibly put him on abs which will make it heal even faster.
Thank you i am cleaning it out and its starting to form a little scab I have never had this happen untill now and its a little scary I am takeing him to the vet still tomorrow I am very greatfull for the people on this form i wouldn't know what it was he seems to be doing alright but you can tell he miss's the boys already if it scabs over could i put him back in with the other?
Oh i didnt know i could i was just worried that if they did lick it and what not that it could possibly get an infection i will be cleaning it as well to make sure its clean thank you so much your a great help
Ya, it's not ideal having the other boys clean it but many times, I'd fine of my rats with an open abscess and clearly the other rats cleaned him and nothing happened to them.

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