Hal's eye filling up with more blood - pics....

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Thanks Jo, sadly not, it's really weird, almost like a pool of blood at the bottom of his eyeball. He's young.... he's been at the vets to get his eyes checked before, but that was his right eye, now his left has the blood in it.... it's odd.
I had a rat who must have had an injury that we didn't know about. She had blood in her eye and she later developed high pressure in the eye and had to have it removed.

Might want to take your little one to the vet to have it checked out. I hope it is not anything serious.
The vet was not of much help, our favourite vet wasn't there and this vet was a bit vague and couldn't suggest much else. Said to bring him back if it got any worse or wasn't getting better and give him pain meds as needed.

It has just been the same and didn't seem to be bothering him but today it's now filled up with more blood. It started with some little 'lines' of blood at the top of his eye and a small pool of blood at the bottom. It's like it's filling up higher and higher up the eye.

Didn't use flash on these pictures so the red is all blood.




Any ideas. :(
Seen this a couple of times. Once was Sebastian, and his eye resolved but I had to use ointment on it to keep it from drying out. The blood reabsorbed. The other time was maya and she had had a seizure prior to it, she had PT and was pts.

Watch for swelling. Bleeding into the ocular bulb can be from a few different things so just watch for swelling, pain, scratching etc. I used eye ointment and pain meds for Sebby's eye.

How is he acting? Eating, drinking etc all normally?


This happened to my grandpa at the airport before flying due to his high blood pressure. It just happened near the bottom of his eye, not covering the cornea like with yor rat. In my grandpa's case, his blood pressure rose from it's already high level to an even higher point due to the stress of flying, causing a blood vessel in his eye to rupture. Once his pressure normalised, the vessel healed and his eye gradually cleared up by itself, iirc. He actually didn't feel it at all, we had to point it out to him, so your rat may not be in any pain, but only "seeing red", or rather a darker shade of black and white. From what you describe, it's not really bothering him and there are no other symptoms, which is consitent with the high blood pressure option. I don't know how to treat or even check for high blood pressure in rats, and you should visit your vet to have this looked into further, but my best guess is that this is the cause of the bleeding. So if you treated the blood pressure (if that's what's wrong), you'd solve the eye problem. Maybe you could help it by setting it apart from the other rats for a while (if there is a competitive or stressful dynamic) or cuddling it quietly by itself more often, and also researching diet changes that would lower its blood pressure.

Of course, as others have mentioned, watch for any other signs that could signal something else that's wrong! Good luck!
Thanks for the replies :)

He doesn't seem to be in pain. He's eating, drinking, but obviously can't see in that eye. We're giving him childrens pain meds incase though.

Do you have any ideas what *could* cause it Shelagh - no PT symptoms, he's only about 5-6months anyway.

Do you think the vet might suggest removal? Sorry to ask all of this but never had any eye problems like this one.
Another apology for being unable to even make a suggestion, thankfully haven't run into this one yet.
Hopes & prayers for your boy tho. Hoping it will just reabsorb like Francis & lilspaz experienced and be ok.
There's no exotic vets really apart from one 4 hours away that is far too expensive. My usual vet is excellent with them usually and she should be back this week - Friday is the soonest I could get him there. He still seems okay but it's obvious he's unable to see out that eye when you watch how he gets about.

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