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Active Member
Aug 15, 2010
Peterborough ON
Okay, well, my little boy Apollo was grunting a few days ago. I would have taken him to the vet asap, but we are really tight on cash right now, which we did not expect, so please, do not flame or hassle me about it.

Well, now I'm not hearing ANY grunting! I have the cash now, but with no more grunting should I take him to the vet still? I just don't want to spend the 70+ dollars to find out he's odd, and likes to freak me out.

I know grunting usually means a URI, but is there any way it could have cleared up on it's own?

I have never had to take a rat to the vet before so I have no experience with this :gaah:
Rat also make this very low "grunting" sound which I've notice they do when they are feeling a wee bit dominant. Could that be the sound you are referring too? Or did it seem to come from the lungs?
I'm not sure. I looked for youtube videos of a rat grunting, to compare his noise to but no luck. It didn't seem to be coming from the lungs, and it carried in level, sometimes it was quiet and I had to have him on my shoulder to hear him, and other times I could here hm while on the other side of the room. He never showed signs of being sick, he's active, happy, cuddly and just him. No signs of weight loss, he's been drinking and eating just fine and loves his treats. He's even come completely out of his shell and explores like crazy.
If you are hearing from the other side of the room then it's something more serious. Although, it could have been congestion? and he cleared it up himself. Keep a close eye on him. I really believe that some rats do get "colds". I always wait 2 to 3 days to see if they will "settle" it themselves before going to the vet and getting meds. Meds can sometimes be over used and that in itself can be damaging.

But... if there are any other symptoms like porphyrin, loss of appetite, lethargy or listless, then you must see a vet asap.
It was only that loud the one time, the other few times it was quiet. But for the past few days I have heard nothing, and no other symptoms have appeared. I guess I will have to keep a close eye on him for the next few days and see if I hear it anymore. if I do, vet call is in order.
That sounds like Ed last sunday... It started off really quiet, then it got really loud as the night went on... then the next day, it was gone!

I took a video of it... I'll upload it when I find it and see if thats it. :)

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