Grieving rat

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New Member
Oct 22, 2013
united states
I recently got my new Dumbo rat Rosie from a breeder for my birthday a few weeks ago. After I did some research I found out that I should of gotten two. I got another rat and was finally able to introduce her to Rosie yesterday. They both got along great and they were so happy but this morning when I got off of school My new little rat had passed away :sad3: Now my Rosie is so upset, she won't leave her little house and I can't get her to eat much. They were only together a day but she's still so broken up about it. She's really scared and won't let me hold her without freaking out so I was hoping this new rat would help her trust me more I thank it did the opposite though.
How can I help her with her grieving and When should I try to introduce another rat for her? I herd they can grieve themselves to death so I want her to feel better ASAP.

This is my first post on here so I pray I'm doing it right, If not I apologize.
I had Rosie for a little less than 3 weeks than added the new rat. I have no idea, I thank she may have had something wrong with her because she was mostly blind and had a red spot on her cheek that had fur missing (maybe a beginning tumor?) I had planned to take them both to a vet for a checkup once I got a job to make sure they were both alright.
Do you know how old they are/were? You really need to introduces rats together slowly -- you cannot just put them into a cage together. They can fight and worse if they feel their territory is being invaded. There is a process for introductions especially if the rats are older.
Rosie's 7 weeks and the other rat was 5 weeks old. They both came from the same breeder and I gradually put them together. I had them in separate cages then exchanged toys and after a few days I had them meet on neutral ground (My bathtub) and they hit it off so I let them spend more time together than added them in the same cage. Also Rosie's very skittish so she's defiantly not territorial
it's really weird that a breeder would even sell a single rat, isn't it? i've never even met a rat breeder before, so i wouldn't know.. but sense they came from the same person, you should get Rosie checked out asap.. something could be wrong with her as well. i'm not saying there is, but it's just a thought sense they're from the same "breeder"... also, i'd stay away from that breeder if she's selling rat's that can't be hand able, you should try a rescue or shelter :)
Rosie may not be grieving so much as being scared. I have noticed that if a rat dies in the cage, especially if they are in there for several hours, the other rats will become fearful, as if worried that something will happen to them. This will pass, and may be helped along by cleaning the cage and removing the smell of the dead rat.

I would see about getting another baby to keep your girl company.

One thing that young rats can die of is megacolon. This is common in rats with 'high white' markings. These markings are pretty, so if you have a breeder ignorant of this problem, then she may be breeding for the colours. Do you have a picture of your babies?

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