Gosh, maybe it is MC

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Oct 20, 2011
Dahlia is backed up again. We had a few great weeks and then last week her tummy started getting full, even though I've been restricting her diet to soft, moist foods and supplementing with mineral oil and BeneBac. :( I'm devastated. I feel like we're on a downhill slide and there is nothing I can do to stop it.

I picked up some Cisapride and started her on that tonight. Here's hoping it helps get things moving. I have some baby suppositories but in reading about MC, I'm hesitant to use them. I tried rubbing Dahlia's belly last night, but she wasn't really into it. I could hear gut sounds - it's gurgling like when a person is about to have diarrhea. I would love nothing more than for her to poop right now.

She's still drinking and eating (very small amounts of food at a time) and runs around with her pals during free range. She really likes being warm, like when I hold her in my hands she'll just stretch out and close her eyes. I have her with a hot water bottle in her cage right now and she loves it. Other than the puffy belly, you wouldn't be able to tell anything is wrong. She's a real trooper.

What else could be going on other than MC? I've been Googling my heart out and it just seems odd for her to get MC at 25-ish months. I know the litter had issues with it early on, but I thought we were in the clear.

Is there anything else I should be doing for her?
victoria said:
Have you tried the Woody Diet? http://ratguide.com/health/figures/mega ... gure_5.php It would be difficult since you couldn't offer blocks in her cage anymore, but it sounds like it's worth a try.

I've never heard of MC presenting this late, but it's not impossible, just very inlikely.

Yes, that was the diet I've been using. :(

For reference, this is the litter Dahlia (aka Ash) is from: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=15641&hilit=noisette

I also have her sister, who I named Calla (aka Amika). They're my twins and they're absolutely fabulous.
I'm not ready to give up. I got kisses this morning.

If its a mass.. I wonder if I should ask my vet to do surgery again? Maybe it was too small to find last time. I hate to put her through another surgery but she is so healthy aside from the no pooping. I know she can't do this much longer.
I'm sorry she and you are going through this. I wonder, would an x-ray be worthwhile? If there was a mass, it could show up, and a vet would have a better idea of whether or not surgery was an option.
Oh gosh.. I've never had to deal with MC or anything like it, and I pray that I'll never have to :sad3:

Good luck with your sweetie, I hope everything works out.. I second the notion of an Xray, I hope it helps :/
I have an appointment tomorrow to see if we have any options.

I need a good work at home job so I can be there for my fuzz butts full time. It's hard to be a productive social worker when I'm stuck at work all day!
Well we just got done at the vet. He felt her belly and says its all soft - not a hard little ball like when she had the impaction. He wants me to keep up the soft, moist foods and give the cisapride a chance to work. He talked about adding lactulose if the cisapride doesn't cut it. We think there is a chance she is pooping a little and eating it (I caught her eating someone's poo yesterday) especially since her appetite is still good. She chowed down this morning.

So I guess I don't know. We think her digestive system might be quitting for some reason. Didn't do any scans.
Quality of life is what's most important and she seems happy 99% of the time so this might just be where we are at.... she's all snuggled up to me now. Thanks for all the kind words and prayers. We are going to keep trying.
Good luck! I think her appetite is the most telling. If her guts aren't moving, she won't eat. So as long as her appetite is good, things are OK.

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