Well-Known Member
So, one of our boys fell out of the upper main level of our CN the other day and landed on his butt. Long story. Couple days later, David notices a big bubble of what looks like blood on the tip of one torpedo(he is intact). He doesn't appear to be in any pain from it, only offers the normal amount of struggle when I flip him over to get a good look at it(and try to take pics, that failed), and of course my first assumption is just that he bruised the bajeepers out of the poor thing, but I wanted to double check that there isn't anything ELSE he could have developed that would have the same look and is far more dangerous that a bruise(I dunno, like a tumor or something). It doesn't seem like a blood blister, it isn't hard, its just like a lot of dark fluid in a spot on the end. little smaller than a dime, i guess - like the eraser on the end of a pencil. Am I just overreacting? anic: