Going to the vet

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Savannah, GA
Tomorrow evening I have an appointment with my vet about the mom and babies possible URI. They were going to refer me to the Links vet again (some of you remember how I was scammed out of 80$ for :horsepoop: advice) until she found out I was a client. So, i hope things go well!
lilspaz68 said:
Good luck with them! You should talk to Bronwyn about where she goes on Eglinton. :)

How are they doing now? Same or better now that you are home?
They seemed better this morning.
Let him/her listen to the rats first, then voice your concerns about the sounds you hear and about the porphyin that you've seen. I don't think Baytril should be given, but Zithromax should be safe. Your vet might even suggest something else that might work. In the video, she doesn't look that bad.
I have good news. I'm not going to take them to the vet today because they all seem fine. The one baby's eyes has cleared up as well.
Is Starla looking better too? Make sure to listen to all their lungs because if they are truly sick, they need meds and the sooner the better.