Going to post for a home needed soon!!

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
Cape Breton, NS
Not really... I'd never do that but URRGHH!

Dean's being a little p*ss ant. He's puffing up against everyone, he plainly attacks Cas any chance given, dominates Sammy and picks on poor Stew. He's just being one mean little twit! I humm'd and haw'd about getting Shai neutered, but Dean?? Deans loosing his pair as soon as I can figure out a way. I'm not sure my vet does them, I will talk with him when I bring the boys in about it... but DEAN! URGH! I just might have to send him to someone on here to have a snip done that has a reliable vet, any takers?? Of course Id pay and want him back ASAP. He's WAS my favorite, Id like to get back to that!

/end rant.

I feel better.
Has there been any major changes in the cage or the rats in it? If not then it definately sounds like a neuter is in order...hope you can work something out.
smilez_n_hugs said:
Has there been any major changes in the cage or the rats in it? If not then it definately sounds like a neuter is in order...hope you can work something out.

Sadly no. We did bring Cas home a few weeks ago but he is in another cage. Deans always been a bit bossy, but lately he's been a savage. He just tuned a year old. We did intro new rat blocks though, vs the old home mix. I wonder if any of those would effect him? Either way, I think he needs a snip, he needs to reelllaxxxx.
Are they all living together or is Cas in his own cage and you see Dean go after the cage with Cas in it?
Bringing in a new rat will definitely do this but doesn't necessarily mean that Dean needs the snip, although, it would make life easier.
SQ, that is why I am going to check with my vet. Any hesitation or "Sure, I can do that. Cant be that hard eh?" and I'm running. I'll get him done somewhere further away from here lol But thank you, I'll read up on that.

Jo, Dean/Sammy/Stew all share a cage and have for almost a year. Cas has his own cage, but he gets out time with Sammy and Stewart. These boys LOVE him. I usually let Dean out and he's fine for about 20mins and then he starts picking at Cas. But Ive noticed when the three are in their cages, Dean is the aggressor at any given time to Sammy and Stew. I've given up on intro's with Cas because of Dean. I am hoping a new trio of boys will accept him better, or Dean can get a snip and Cas can share his cage instead (since the trio are bonded).

Either way, someones gotta let Cas in. He hates being alone and lives for out time.
Dean is like this because he needs to dominate Cas and he doesn't get the chance. I'd get Dean done too.
(of course it would be "Dean" wouldn't it? lol)