Gizmo can't relax around other rats...

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Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2010
Prince Edward Island
We got Gizmo from someone on Kijiji who had him in a hamster cage his whole life. He had been around a female rat (they lived separately though) and they apparently got along great.

I have tried introducing him to Diego and Yoshi, but that failed badly as they were aggressive with him. I then got three new boys: Milo, Ryder and Keno and none of them are aggressive but Ryder is a bit dominant.. but that's not a problem.

The real problem is that Gizmo is constantly in fear of other rats. As soon as other rats approach him, he gets on his hind legs and does this kind of hissing sound... even if the other rat is completely ignoring him and just wants to pass through.

While I was introducing them, Gizmo would be on his hind legs as well but I would often find all 4 of them cuddled up in a I felt like they were ready to live together. They have now been living together for over a week.. and as soon as I put a hammock in, Gizmo takes ownership of it and refuses to let any other rats in it. Then when he finally decides to come out, it's like Milo and Ryder forgot about him and they chase him around the cage.
Keno actually likes Gizmo and is often trying to cuddle with him, but Gizmo rejects him... :/

I feel like Gizmo is happier living alone... but I don't have any other cages for him.
I have left the cage empty for days.. but it's always the same story every time I fill it up again..

Sometimes I wonder if I should give him to someone who has spayed females.. as it seems like males are the problem..

Any ideas on what I could do? I am out of ideas and I am seriously thinking about giving him away... :(
It can take a few weeks in the cage for them to decided to cuddle up with each other. It is a slow process. they will not generally be best buds as soon as they move in. If he is owning the hammock take them out. There are plenty of things you can do, give them more out time. let them all be able to walk in and out of the cage. Take them on the couch with you.

Giving him away isnt the answer, how many more homes does he need to go to before he gets a chance to be settled.
I'd definitely wait it out. A week is not enough for the dynamics of the colony to be settled. It can take up to a month even. How big is the cage?
I had them on the bed today for a couple of hours and Gizmo was doing the same thing every time one of them passed. When I went back to the room, the three brothers were cuddled up in the sheets and Gizmo was alone.

I really hope it works out with time... I just feel so bad having them in an empty cage since Gizmo takes ownership of any house or hammock. :/

They are in the top section of my DFN.
Coedelia took weeks to cuddle up to the boys... now she cuddles them all the tim. Some rats prefer to sleep alone while some can take a while to trust the other rats.

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