I got it over the weekend! It was like Christmas all over again :giggle:
Thanks again, so much! I can't wait to get my cage all set up and decked out. I know the boys will love it :heart:
A couple new premade sets up for grabs on page 1, post 1! Thanks again for all of your business and support you guys! Keepin' my lil furbabies in yogies and nom noms with your orders hehe!!
Bumpity bump BUMP - wanna try to get bass pans for both of my cages...will start wtih the boysies since they think the poop box is for flailing litter from and storing food in rather than poopies *rooolllls eyes* hehe
:joy: Table of hammocks and toys headed out to Xxchelle and the RTR rescues :joy:
Special thoughts and prayers go out to all rescues other there, not just these...and not just the rats, the people who put their hearts and souls, finances, homes, lives into doing what's right for those who have no one to speak for them. A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO ALL RESCUERS AND THOSE WHO ADOPT RESCUES! You're standing in the gap for the special furbabies and being an advocate when they have no one.