foot question?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
Kansas City, Missouri.
I went back to a few post and looked at pics of bumble foot, but what exactly is it? I have a baby and and older rat. The baby....Lily is a dumbo. Two days ago I noticed had a small what looked like a cut on the bottom of her back foot. It is right in the center and looks like it was a small cut and is healing now, it has that dark dried blood look to it. I also noticed on of her little toes is dark brown. I of course tried to get a pic of it, but she wont sit still, and she is so little i am afraid i will hurt her if i try and hold her to tight. Asking for someones help didn't work either, she is squirmy! :panic:

I am sure from the pics I seen it is not bumble foot, unless it is the beginning stage of it since I don't what bumble is exactly.

Their cage is safe, there is nothing in there she can cut her foot on, I double checked. She does play on a giant wheel for hours on end at night, but it has small squares in it and is harmless, and this is right in the inside bottom of her foot, not pinched like. The best way to describe it's shape and size is it looks like a brown spinkle off a doughnut stuck on her foot. Any ideas what it may be except for a cut? I know it is hard to tell something you can not see, if I can get a pic I will post it. I am so afraid of hurting her trying to get a pic. I just am worried it may be more than a cut and I need to do something about it before it turns bumble foot or something.
Bumblefoot is generally on the heels. It looks like a blister type of thing, as it gets worse it becomes red/purple and may start bleeding too. From what you describe, I don't think it's bumblefoot, could be just young rattie rough play.
Thanks all, I have not seen it since this mornin, she is of course busy sleeping right now, will keep an eye on it. It just worries me, she is so little. She is a rough little booger. She goes NUTS at night...I mean the cage is rocking at night when she plays, my poor Bailey is probably like what the......! Anyways, thanks again. Paula

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