Fluoride Warning : bad for Rats - NB

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Senior Member - Vegan for the animals
Jul 21, 2007
central New Brunswick Canada
Just wanted to let people know that fluoride naturally occurs in the water in the New Maryland to Russagonish areas and all around there, as well as the Grand Lake area.
The town of Oromoncto adds fluoride to their water. Fredericton doesn't.
Unsure about other towns and cities.

As you are aware, fluoride causes brain tumors in rats.
Erk! If I have no clue whats in my tap water, should I be giving my kids bottled water? Did a quick search and it looks like my Brita water filter doesn't take out fluoride ...

EDIT: Crap! My new water district does fluoridate its water. Got any bottled water brands to recommend?
Distilled water has to be flouride free (or it wouldn't be distilled). There are good bottled water brands, but some of it is quite literally glorified tap, and I don't know what brands you have in Canada anyway lol.
OK people, don't panic. Just go to Sears and buy a water distiller. It does a couple of litres at a time. A one-time financial investment and you don't have to worry about availability of distilled water. I've been distilling my water for a couple of years now. Easy-peasy.
SQ said:
Just wanted to let people know that floride naturally occurs in the water in the New Maryland to Russagonish areas and all around there, as well as the Grand Lake area.

Do you know how much naturally-occurring fluoride is present? It may or may not be a problem.
No, I don't know what the levels are.
I was told that the village of New Maryland regulates the water in the village to keep the naturally occurring floride at a low level.

Joanne's idea about distilling water sounds good to me ....
We have fluoridation in our water here too.
Interestingly enough, if you think about it, they do experiments on rats because they age like humans in half the time and have similar effects as humans to medications and such- which is why they use them. If fluoride in the water causes tumors in rats, what do you suppose it's doing to us?? >.< (on a side note to that, many experts have said there is not enough in the water to do us any damage, but if that is the case- then there's not enough to do us any benefit either. Plus- remember getting fluoride at the dentist? Did they ever tell you to swallow it? No, cuz it's TOXIC.)

Yeah, I forgot about that. I am going to have to get distilled water, I was worried about that too as I don't want my ratties to get sick. 8(
I guess I'm stuck! Our system has fluoride in it, just went through a large rigamarole over it and they decided to keep it. I can't afford a distiller. Here I asked for a Brita for Christmas so I could stop giving them tap water, and it's no freaking good for any of us. I do not want my kids ingesting fluoride either!!

Sometimes ignorance is bliss... one more thing I have to worry about :(
I think only Distilled is what you can get... Canada should have it somewhere. You can also go to a local fish store (like a good one that keeps their fish proper) to get distilled water. My brother put distilled water in his fish tank instead of tap, cuz it was healthier for the fish, but he got distilled in those big water jugs (like the kind in large water dispensers) filled at the fish store. So that was handy. Not sure how much it was in comparison to buying it at the grocery store.

Otherwise, there are filters out there you can get that will filter out fluoride, however, they are very expensive. Just google 'fluoride filters'. I just hate that they think it's okay to put toxic waste in our water supply because they think it somehow benefits us. Ignorance may be bliss, but at the same time... what you don't know can still kill you. 8|
odduckOasis said:
I think only Distilled is what you can get... Canada should have it somewhere. You can also go to a local fish store (like a good one that keeps their fish proper) to get distilled water. My brother put distilled water in his fish tank instead of tap, cuz it was healthier for the fish, but he got distilled in those big water jugs (like the kind in large water dispensers) filled at the fish store. So that was handy. Not sure how much it was in comparison to buying it at the grocery store.

Otherwise, there are filters out there you can get that will filter out fluoride, however, they are very expensive. Just google 'fluoride filters'. I just hate that they think it's okay to put toxic waste in our water supply because they think it somehow benefits us. Ignorance may be bliss, but at the same time... what you don't know can still kill you. 8|

If I can't change it, I'd rather not know whats killing me :wink2:
If I can't change it, I'd rather not know whats killing me :wink2:

Haha! Yeah, guess that's true. xD;;

The sad part is, we can change it, if enough people became aware of the issue, perhaps ppl would do something to change it, but for the most part, no one seems to care. Because I need my water, I drink it anyways, even though I know, eventually, it'll do me harm. 8( Tis very sad.... OH WELL!!

In the mean while, I'll see what I can do to at least protect my furry little pals. xD
odduckOasis said:
If I can't change it, I'd rather not know whats killing me :wink2:

Haha! Yeah, guess that's true. xD;;

The sad part is, we can change it, if enough people became aware of the issue, perhaps ppl would do something to change it, but for the most part, no one seems to care. Because I need my water, I drink it anyways, even though I know, eventually, it'll do me harm. 8( Tis very sad.... OH WELL!!

In the mean while, I'll see what I can do to at least protect my furry little pals. xD

We just actually had a city meeting where people tried to stop fluoride in our water system. All information was laid out, people spoke their sides and they still voted 11-4 FOR fluoride to stay in our water :( This was about 2-ish weeks ago. I didn't even know about fluoride in water until then. And ours is fertilizer byproduct... jezz they tell you not to swallow tooth paste! Sick...

Me and Joe talked... I guess were going to start saving for a distiller :( The money noose is getting tighter!
Fluoride is being added to public water supplies because it has been proven without a doubt to help prevent cavities. This helps improve the health and welfare of every person, regardless of socio-economic standing. The ideal fluoride concentration in drinking water is 0.7 parts per MILLION! Yes, it's that low, but it helps. You are told to not swallow your toothpaste or fluoride at the dentist's because the concentration would be incredibly higher. The concentration of fluoride in my mouthwash is 0.2 %. That is WAY higher (2000+ parts per million) and of course will make you sick. Anything taken at 2000 times the recommended limit is going to be bad for you, take vitamins for example!
Many people are disadvantaged, and some don't buy toothpaste so they don't get the cavity fighting from any source. Some people do not brush their teeth at all. Some people cannot afford to go to the dentist, and provincial health care does not cover the cost. Are these people any less deserving of help to decrease their pain and suffering by helping to prevent cavities? It is a simple thing to do to improve the health and well being of every person. What can be wrong with that?
The decision that the councillers made in CB was based on hard, scientific evidence. Plain and simple. Thankfully they had the common sense to look at the evidence in front of them and make an educated decision.
Personally I think if they are so worried about peoples dental abilities, then allow these people to see a dentist! In Nova Scotia, if you are on any type of Assistance from the Government, your dental is not covered unless you are seen by an ER and it's deemed an emergency by a professional. Your medications can be covered by MSi, but you need to pay the fee to see the dentist. I know a simple tooth removal is $200 here, people who cannot afford toothpaste cannot afford that. Imagine cleanings and regular check ups? Adding fluoride to the water is not a solution for dental hygienic issues in CB, allowing people in poverty to see a dentist is. Allowing people money to buy these supplies, or supplying them is. Telling people to rinse with fluoride water maybe, not making us drink it.

Since I got the brita at Christmas, I have been pushing my kids to drink water over pure juice. My youngest has white spots all over her teeth that we have noticed in the last 3 weeks. I am reading that is linked to fluoride? Thats not something I signed up for, having my child's teeth discolored.
Joanne said:
Fluoride is being added to public water supplies because it has been proven without a doubt to help prevent cavities. This helps improve the health and welfare of every person, regardless of socio-economic standing. The ideal fluoride concentration in drinking water is 0.7 parts per MILLION! Yes, it's that low, but it helps. You are told to not swallow your toothpaste or fluoride at the dentist's because the concentration would be incredibly higher. The concentration of fluoride in my mouthwash is 0.2 %. That is WAY higher (2000+ parts per million) and of course will make you sick. Anything taken at 2000 times the recommended limit is going to be bad for you, take vitamins for example!
Many people are disadvantaged, and some don't buy toothpaste so they don't get the cavity fighting from any source. Some people do not brush their teeth at all. Some people cannot afford to go to the dentist, and provincial health care does not cover the cost. Are these people any less deserving of help to decrease their pain and suffering by helping to prevent cavities? It is a simple thing to do to improve the health and well being of every person. What can be wrong with that?
The decision that the councillers made in CB was based on hard, scientific evidence. Plain and simple. Thankfully they had the common sense to look at the evidence in front of them and make an educated decision.

Absolutely agree! These decisions need to be made based on facts and evidence, not a knee-jerk reaction.
:eek:fftopic: :eek:fftopic:

I believe that if it is leaving white spots, then the fluoride concentration is too high. It isn't supposed to do that.
(Joanne would know more as she is an expert regarding these things.)
I was told that a number of years ago when fluoride was first being added to drinking water, children's teeth became very strong but discolored from the added fluoride.

Another way of looking at this is that people with money can afford to purchase products that will remove fluoride etc from the water, people living in poverty are forced to drink it whether they want to or not.
People are making the move from bottled water back to safer and more environmentally friendly local tap water
- adding contaminants such as fluoride to the water will likely undermine that :(

I am glad there isn't fluoride added to the water where I live, so the rats (and I) don't have to drink it.
Guess I should start saving up for a water distiller too. :(

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