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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2008
New Hampshire, USA
I live in a really crappy old apartment, the neighbors tend to lock their indoor/outdoor cat in the front hall of the building, where he delights in coming up and tormenting our cats through the door.

Unfortunately, he brought friends. Fleas. They got all 5 cats, and in turn, all 5 rats. Its Sunday, my vet is not open, and isn't open tomorrow because its labor day. I know washing the cats down with Dawn dish soap helps (fleas' bodies are covered in a waxy coating, the dish soap removes it, and they can't live, its also MUCH easier to pull them off because they try to come up through the lather to breathe). Would it hurt the rats to wash them the same until I can get to the vet to pick up a treatment? I know it won't kill the eggs, but I just can't bear listening to all the squeaks and scratches because my boys are so itchy, and fleas absolutely skeeve me out as it is...

They use Dawn on wildlife when they're oil coated, so it should be safe, shouldn't it? The only thing I worry about really is the scent bothering their lungs...
Rat's can't get fleas, they get lice and mites. Lice you can see (little tiny red or brown things) and they will be scratching. Mites you can't see but you will notice them scratching and they will have scratchers on their shoulder blads and around the face and on the chin.
Washing them will do nothing.
They will be fine until you can get to the vet to get revolution.
Yeah it won't be fleas but if it is lice then I have heard of coating them in olive oil which is supposed to smother the lice but for the life of me I can't remember if it might provide some relief for mites or not.
Well the cats have fleas, not mites, and the rats have been itching like crazy...or at least I thought so... maybe its just paranoia because fleas skeeve me out so bad...I've literally scratched my arms raw because I feel like things are crawling on me.

Going to continue to keep the cats out of this room and just scrub down the cage and bathe them anyhow (with baby shampoo, they're due) and then keep an eye out from here on out.
They will be fine until you bring them to the vet.
Bathing them won't get rid of the lice/mites.
regardless if your rat's have fleas, mites or lice ..revolution will take care of it, not bathing them.

Do you freeze your bedding, food and products for atleast 72 hours? before use?

Momrat: Jo has asked her vet the same question:

jorats said:
I have asked my vet that exact question. The fleas that live on cats and dogs are not species specific. But fleas generally will not live on rats if there are bigger animals in the home. They go for the larger food source. If you can treat your cats and the home, then the fleas might jump on the rats and rabbits... might want to inquire with your vet. Revolution would take care of everybody.


EDIT: The could be also itchy from too much protein in their food, which lab block do you feed them?, also shampooing them can dry out the skin which can make them itch as well.
Ratty Momma said:
They will be fine until you bring them to the vet.
Bathing them won't get rid of the lice/mites.
Rat's cannot get flea.

Do you freeze your bedding, food and products for atleast 72 hours? before use?

Momrat: Jo has asked her vet the same question:

jorats said:
I have asked my vet that exact question. The fleas that live on cats and dogs are not species specific. But fleas generally will not live on rats if there are bigger animals in the home. They go for the larger food source. If you can treat your cats and the home, then the fleas might jump on the rats and rabbits... might want to inquire with your vet. Revolution would take care of everybody.


EDIT: The could be also itchy from too much protein in their food, which lab block do you feed them?, also shampooing them can dry out the skin which can make them itch as well.

that still doesn't sound like fleas 100% can not live on rats (including living with or without cats) :?:
Regardless of what they have weather it be lice/mites or fleas ..revolution will take care of it.
you will need to go to your vet to get it, until then they will be fine.
Over bathing can also cause skin to dry out and make them super itchy.

But yes, if you have cats, the fleas will prefer them but will bite a rat if no one else is near.

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