Fivel is snuffly!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Stafford, VA
My heart rat Fivel is making noises like he's congested! I heard him a little yesterday, but today he's doing it almost all the time. I'm really upset! I told him he wasn't allowed to get sick. :cry: I don't know what I would do if something happened to him. Should I call the vet, wait or start antibiotics now? Here is a picture of Fivel and me.

Yes I do have Baytril. I always try and keep some on hand. My vet trusts me to know when to give meds and is wonderful about giving me a prescription I can fill as needed. That's what I am thinking of doing. I've just dreaded this guy getting sick. Fivel is my buddy. We take a nap together almost every day. He's always giving me kisses and coming up for attention. Thanks, mamarat!
I just got up and went in to see Fivel. He was in his hammock and I stuck my head in to listen to his breathing. He looked at me and said, "What are you doing, Mommy? Good morning to you too. I love you Mommy. You smell good." (I'd just taken a shower. LOL) As he was sniffing me he gave me a few kisses which of course melted my heart. That little rascal isn't making a single sound this morning! Not that I am disappointed, but what do I do now? Do I keep giving him Baytril or wait and see if he starts again? :? :gaah:
This is hard to answer. The real answer would be to bring him to the vet. If it was my rat and I have a good relationship with my vet, I would continue Baytril for at least 10 to 14 days even if the rat stopped making noises. If it persists after the 2 weeks, then I would bring my sweetie to the vet.
Belly kisses to your sweetie! :tumkiss:
When Pearl had a URI it was on and off. I heard the rough breathing on the Saturday on and off. When I took her into the vets she sounded fine. Fortuantely the vet could hear rough breathing on one side of her lung with a stethescope.
Fivel answered the question for me. When I fed him breakfast, he was making the noise again.

Don't worry, Nickelrat. If this doesn't help I will be t the vet's in a flash! if I call Dr. Guth she would say, "Why are you calling me? You know what to do." I've been through this so many times. I suppose it's because it's Fivel. There are always the special ones and he is definitely one of those.
ok got a question should i be concerned my rats were in a aspen bed at the store they sneeze in the morning time and i guess you would call it a sneeze he will sit there do it for a min and stop for almost the entire day are they in danger?