First time dealing with bumblefoot. Please advise.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2013
I've owned rats for, five years & have never had issues with bumblefoot until now.

My old girl Alexis (27 months) & on the pudgy side.

I was looking through threads here & seen I could use 1 Tablespoon Epsom Salt mixed with 1 cup of boil hot water, warm compress 3 times a day using cotton balls (replacing cotton balls when they get cool)

I just did one treatment.

I also got a picture:

I feel so bad I never caught it until now.

Any other advice to what I can use?

I was reading about the blu-kote , where would I go about buying it??

First thing I would do is lots of padding in the cage so it's nice and soft when she walks. Baytril could also help if you feel it's starting to be painful for her but I've noticed that my rats didn't seem to notice it much.
Soaking is good too and many people have had success with blu-kote. I've never used it though.
jorats said:
First thing I would do is lots of padding in the cage so it's nice and soft when she walks. Baytril could also help if you feel it's starting to be painful for her but I've noticed that my rats didn't seem to notice it much.
Soaking is good too and many people have had success with blu-kote. I've never used it though.


I use boxo in the bottom if the CN & flat newspaper on the shelf. I have now switched that to boxo as well & I've taken out any houses with bottoms, & replaced with open bottom houses.

I was reading somewhere that betadine works well for it as well because it dries it out like the blu-kote.

So for now ill keep up with the soft bedding, Epsom soaks and betadine (if its okay to use)?

It doesn't seem to bother her. So for now ill wait on the baytril. And see how it is in a few days with the treatments.
I've generally used Epsom salts, but to be honest, it hasn't really made a great deal of difference.

Hopefully it won't get any worse.
Rachael said:
I've generally used Epsom salts, but to be honest, it hasn't really made a great deal of difference.

Hopefully it won't get any worse.

It's worth a try.

Do you have any other suggestions?
I've used Blu-Kote (bought from ebay). I have also used and had success with povidone iodine which you can get at Walgreens. I've been told to dilute it.
Blu-kote is commonly used on farm animals' feet. I'm not sure if you need a prescription or not. Check at a local farm feed store or tack shop.

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