Well-Known Member
Wilbur was on rescue shots for a few weeks every 2nd day as well as doxycycline orally. Rescue shots consist of 1.5-2 ml's of ringer's lactate solution (RLS), .05 cc's of dexamethasone, and .04 cc's of injectable gentocin. These are all injected sub-q (under the skin). Once he stabilized I put him on oral baytril with the dex every 2nd day. he did very well on this combo until recently. This morning he was gasping, and congested, I gave him a couple of puffs of albuterol in a cuddlesack, which helped and then back to the rescue shots. Let us hope our licky, happy man stabilizes again and can stay with us and crawl around the livingroom floor for awhile longer. IF he's not better, I will take him in tomorrow and have him pts, when I drop off Tonka for her cyst draining. :sad3: