I have two girls, Mocha and Cheez-its. Mocha comes when called, but only tolerates being held for a bit before she squirms around to get back to exploring and playing. Cheez-its doesn't mind being held, but she will NOT come when called. She knows her name, because she runs and hides every time I call her. If I have a treat, she'll come out to get it, but unlike my other rats she just plain doesn't come to me, I have to go get her. And like I said, she doesn't object to being held or picked up. How can I change this? She LOVES finding places she's not supposed to be and making me tear my place apart to get her. Today I just learned that the subwoofer for my home theater has a rat-sized hole that leads up behind the speaker... and she got STUCK in there. ARRGHH. I had to completely dismantle the thing to rescue her. Why is she scared to come to me?