eye problem?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2009
United States

I was wondering if this is a problem? It comes and goes , one day her eye will look like this and the next it is fine then a couple days later it looks like this again! Anyone know whats going on or if it is normal? Also , This only started happening AFTER her Mammary Tumor was removed.
Oh no I meant the staining around the eye. It gets to look like she is a raccoon! If it was sickness how would I know what type of sickness it is? She is acting normal otherwise
Jo , she is almost a year .5

Lilspaz , it is happening on both eyes but the worst one is opposite side of tumor.
It very well could be Jo. She has never had any problems until this. Before her Tumor she wasnt sick a day in her life and now she acts like an old lady!
One of my Rats has this, she's 2 and - i'm scared she's stressed about something now, but I can't think what about, what things commonly make Rats stressed that I might not know about?
Stress can come from so many triggers, big ones like illness to simple ones like loud noise, smoke, scents, new pet in the home, even moving the cage can do it.
Oh god really?? by moving the cage do you mean even slightly?
Lately we have been changing the toys around in their cage (as I said in the other thread) and that has meant moving it a lot, because it's so big and awkward. I really need one of those cages that where the entire side opens up so the cage doesn't need to be moved about so much. This cage is awkward because there is only a tiny door at the bottom and top.

Her check-up is on tuesday thankfully, so we'll see if there's anything else wrong
I had a girl with a similar problem but it was only in one eye. It didn't seem to bother her so after looking up some stuff I decided it was likely a leaky duct. I took her to the vet a little while later just in case and he said there was a possibility that she had like an in-grown eyelash so I got some drops and she is all cleared up now! He could tell it was more than a leaky duct because her lymph nodes by that eye were swollen. Moral of the story, a vet visit is always worthwhile.
My pew Rex Iliaster is usually very porphy around the eyes when he first wakes up, but seems fine otherwise. It started when Benny moved in, so maybe he is still adjusting... :?

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