Eye clouding, should I be worried?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
Syracuse, NY, USA
I assume this is the beginning of a cataract but I just thought I would ask and make sure its nothing to be worried about. I mean he's only 13 months old.

My Captain had that too, it turned out to be cataracts but he was old. I wonder if trauma could do that too? like a poke in the eye?
I just noticed it yesterday, but it could have been there a while. You can only see it with really good lighting, I actually didn't see it until I saw it in the pictures, but if you hold him under a light it is actually there.

Do you think its something he should see the vet about or just something I should keep my eye on?
My Captain's cataracts started like that, cloudy over the eyes and it didn't start from the centre either. Keep a very close eye on her (no pun intended) if it starts to smell or look worse, then I'd rush her in. You could also if you want put some polysporin eye/ear drops in her eye twice a day see if it helps. It can't hurt.

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