external ear problem - frustrated!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
New Brunswick
Back in May, Coco had a growth on the flap of her ear that was first diagnosed as a polyp. It was removed and she was given internally clavamox, baytril, and metacam for pain. It cleared-up beautifully. During the first week of July it came back with a vengence. This time my vet took samples and sent it away to a lab and contacted some more experience vets for advice. The lab results indicated a bacterial infection but there was no cancer or mange. The other vets suggested perhaps otitis of the outer ear. They also recommended removing the growth and once again using clavamox and baytril. They indicated outer ear infections are difficult to treat. Once again, it cleared-up beautifully. Interestingly, there is no smell or pus just swelling, redness, and sometimes some bleeding. It doesn't hurt her and she is eating well and playing.

I did have another rat with a similar problem but there was a bad smell and pus involved. It was also cancerous according to the lab results.

Well, yesterday morning I woke-up to see another small growth appearing! :cry4: The growth always appears on the flap of her ear. I phoned my vet and she is dumbfounded. Once again, she has contacted some exotic vets for help and we are waiting for their reply. Has anyone on the forum experienced something similar. I tried to take pictures of the latest growth but she is way to active and is more interested in exploring than sitting still for a picture.

My vet and I are frustrated and welcome any feedback!

RatsForever said:
Back in May, Coco had a growth on the flap of her ear that was first diagnosed as a polyp. It was removed and she was given internally clavamox, baytril, and metacam for pain. It cleared-up beautifully. During the first week of July it came back with a vengence. This time my vet took samples and sent it away to a lab and contacted some more experience vets for advice. The lab results indicated a bacterial infection but there was no cancer or mange. The other vets suggested perhaps otitis of the outer ear. They also recommended removing the growth and once again using clavamox and baytril. They indicated outer ear infections are difficult to treat. Once again, it cleared-up beautifully. Interestingly, there is no smell or pus just swelling, redness, and sometimes some bleeding. It doesn't hurt her and she is eating well and playing.

I did have another rat with a similar problem but there was a bad smell and pus involved. It was also cancerous according to the lab results.

Well, yesterday morning I woke-up to see another small growth appearing! :cry4: The growth always appears on the flap of her ear. I phoned my vet and she is dumbfounded. Once again, she has contacted some exotic vets for help and we are waiting for their reply. Has anyone on the forum experienced something similar. I tried to take pictures of the latest growth but she is way to active and is more interested in exploring than sitting still for a picture.

My vet and I are frustrated and welcome any feedback!


I have dealt with auricular polyps, but they came from inside the ear canal and grew out.

http://ratguide.com/health/auricle_ear/ ... polyps.php
jorats said:
My mom's Jani had a portion of her ear removed due to a small lump. Could that be an option for your sweetie?

Interesting you suggested having a portion of the ear removed because I just got off the phone with my vet who was speaking with two exotic vets who both suggested just that. I'm glad to hear another rat has had the same procedure because I'm a bit weary. :sad3: The exotic vets (both dealt with the same situation) felt that in the long run it would be best. I'm going to lose sleep over this I'm sure.
When my vet did the procedure she was amazed at how fast and easy it was and Jani never acted like much happened. Your little one will be just fine.

Here's our funny looking Jani, adds character don't you think?
rats ears tear easily and heal fast, if your vet was just to remove the surrounding tissue it should be fine. Did they tell you how extensive the removal would be?
Thank you for the picture Jorats! Jani looks like a cute little Vulcan, heh heh heh

I have an appointment first thing tomorrow morning and before my vets starts removing ear parts she wants to confirm with an exotic vet again. I will mention the removal of the surrounding tissue. My vets wants to be certain she makes the best decision.
What a frustrating situation for you and Coco. Sounds like the removal of tissue would be a good bet. It didn't seem to hold Jani back! Good luck in the morning. Kisses to Coco.
After more consultation with other more experienced vets, my vet only removed the tissues. Coco went into surgery this morning and I can pick her up later this afternoon. If this does not solve the problem then the vet will remove the ear flap.

I've been trying to find more information on this but I've had no luck. I've never had a rat with this kind of ear problem.
RatsForever said:
After more consultation with other more experienced vets, my vet only removed the tissues. Coco went into surgery this morning and I can pick her up later this afternoon. If this does not solve the problem then the vet will remove the ear flap.

I've been trying to find more information on this but I've had no luck. I've never had a rat with this kind of ear problem.

Fingers crossed this solves the issue and she heals well.

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