what can cause a rat to drink a lot and pee a lot? and maybe, be ravenously hungry?
I have two rats who have become unusually aggressive at meal time, and one who is obese
someone, or maybe more than one rat, is peeing a LOT, the cage liner is soaked in one day
I am not sure who is drinking a lot but the water bottles are also being drained quickly
this has been happening since before Cookie went to the vet, so it's not her, and in fact I am SURE it's not her because she is not able to get to the top of the cage and will be going into the one level g pig cage today, as soon as I finish this post
I am going to separate the remaining girls so that it will be easier to figure out who is peeing so much, but in the meantime I need to find out what this might mean
I am praying it does not mean the same as with cats= most often, diabetes is the reason, or kidney failure
but because I have one obese rat, and obesity is related to diabetes AND she has been really aggressive about food lately, I am worried about her (Paige)
Smidgen is also being aggressive about food but she's not overweight like Paige is
I read that diabetes is rare in rats...... but possible
I tried to find some info on it but didn't get too much, does anyone have any good links to share?
I'll get some ketodiastix and start testing urine and get weights on everyone too
what's the differential I guess I need to know, as they say in doctor speak
I have two rats who have become unusually aggressive at meal time, and one who is obese
someone, or maybe more than one rat, is peeing a LOT, the cage liner is soaked in one day
I am not sure who is drinking a lot but the water bottles are also being drained quickly
this has been happening since before Cookie went to the vet, so it's not her, and in fact I am SURE it's not her because she is not able to get to the top of the cage and will be going into the one level g pig cage today, as soon as I finish this post
I am going to separate the remaining girls so that it will be easier to figure out who is peeing so much, but in the meantime I need to find out what this might mean
I am praying it does not mean the same as with cats= most often, diabetes is the reason, or kidney failure
but because I have one obese rat, and obesity is related to diabetes AND she has been really aggressive about food lately, I am worried about her (Paige)
Smidgen is also being aggressive about food but she's not overweight like Paige is
I read that diabetes is rare in rats...... but possible
I tried to find some info on it but didn't get too much, does anyone have any good links to share?
I'll get some ketodiastix and start testing urine and get weights on everyone too
what's the differential I guess I need to know, as they say in doctor speak