EDITED with an update:
well it is an abscess, I was able to soak the scab off, she's been very very good!
but the crap inside is very thick and does not come out easily, I have read that you try to flush it out with warm salt water, but how much salt? I have those pkgs that you use in a neti pot, they have salt and baking soda in them, do i use those?
does the water have to be boiled or can it be hot tap water?
oh my poor little girl! well it was tender before the scab came off but now that its open she's not minding the warm compresses
well although I thought intro's were going well, it appears that my little girl Smidge has a bite abscess on her back, near her shoulders but not quite that high, if you know what I mean
it's roughly dime sized, a bit smaller, and feels like there's a scab on it but I can't see it, this is on her spine where her fur is black
I know that Hope scraped her back about a week or 10 days ago but I thought that had healed, and this seems higher up than I recall that scrape being
I didn't feel anything on her back last night when I put them all to bed, so I don't know, really, what caused this - but I am guessing it was from a bite- it could even be from her sister/cagemate as they have some pretty good squabbles from time to time
do you think she needs to see a vet or can I try to treat it at home?
and what exactly do I do? like, how warm do warm compresses have to be, and how wet should they be?
would it be easier to just soak the whole rat LOL minus her head of course
well it is an abscess, I was able to soak the scab off, she's been very very good!
but the crap inside is very thick and does not come out easily, I have read that you try to flush it out with warm salt water, but how much salt? I have those pkgs that you use in a neti pot, they have salt and baking soda in them, do i use those?
does the water have to be boiled or can it be hot tap water?
oh my poor little girl! well it was tender before the scab came off but now that its open she's not minding the warm compresses
well although I thought intro's were going well, it appears that my little girl Smidge has a bite abscess on her back, near her shoulders but not quite that high, if you know what I mean
it's roughly dime sized, a bit smaller, and feels like there's a scab on it but I can't see it, this is on her spine where her fur is black
I know that Hope scraped her back about a week or 10 days ago but I thought that had healed, and this seems higher up than I recall that scrape being
I didn't feel anything on her back last night when I put them all to bed, so I don't know, really, what caused this - but I am guessing it was from a bite- it could even be from her sister/cagemate as they have some pretty good squabbles from time to time
do you think she needs to see a vet or can I try to treat it at home?
and what exactly do I do? like, how warm do warm compresses have to be, and how wet should they be?
would it be easier to just soak the whole rat LOL minus her head of course