****er is near the end - RIP (09/01/2010)

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Active Member
Dec 21, 2009
Hi Guys,

This is Frith's wife Amanda.

****er is not doing very well anymore. He has been having seizures every other day or so for the past week. He seemed happy enough for the first little while, but now he just wants to sleep a lot. His brothers are keeping him company pretty much constantly. It dosen't seem like he's in pain the way he was when this all started, and he still knows who we are. I know I should probably have him put to sleep at the vet, by my own grandmother died this week, and I havnt' been able to get him there.

He is having trouble eating on his own. I have fed him apples mushed with yogurt, and I just made a mush/slurry of powedered lab blocks, yogurt and a little bit of maple syrup. My new spice grinder that I got for christmas came in handy for the lab blocks. I wanted to make sure he was getting protein. When we get home from the funeral today I am going to try it out on him.

Am I being selfish? Should I bring him in tomorow for the end? Or let him die in peace at home? I have read horror stories about rattie euthanasia, and I don't want him to go through that. He seems content with his brothers, and like I said he dosen't SEEM like he's in pain. No panting, no half closed eyes, no crying when i pick him up. I just want to do what is going to be best for HIM.

I'm so sorry that you are going through this.
For me, every rat is different, some need to be put to sleep while others just slip away on their own time. From what you describe I see nothing wrong with having ****er stay with you and leave when he's ready.
This has got to be one of the hardest questions in life to answer. I agree with Jo, each rat is different, but somehow you know if dear ****er needs help to cross the bridge. He seems to be OK with you at the moment just don't let your heart over rule your brain. Hugs & Kisses to ****er and my heart goes out to you. :hugs:
I think that rattie nurses are far better than humans ones.

Somehow ****er got out of the cage last night (a mean feat for him as he is not all that mobile. He basically sits where we put him). He made it out of the office where the cage is, down the hall, through the bathroom ALMOST into our bedroom. I have no idea how he did it. I don't think he has gone that far at night in his whole LIFE.

At any rate, obviously his nightime stroll had stressed him out quite a bit, which caused his breathing to get really laboured. I sat with him for a while thinking, I should call the vet. I put him in his cage so I could get some yogurt for him (and his brothers of course). Almost has soon as I did his big brother Moose came over, started licking his nose clear of porphoryn for him, helped him into the igloo and curled up next to him. As I am writing this I can no longer hear ****er's laboured breathing. It's gone, he's breathing normally again.

Now I know that he is still a very old and sick rattie, but I just had to share this story with you. Clearly he is happy with his brothers, and I don't want to take that away from him. I used to work in a vet clinic, and I have NEVER seen dogs or cats do something like what Moose is doing for ****er.

What a lovely story. It reminds me of something similar that I heard recently. Someone's very special rat chewed the cage pan to escape in the night and crawl into bed with her human mama. The next day she died. So it's like she knew, and wanted to be sure of having one last cuddle.
****er passed away in his sleep last night. I'm gonna miss you a bunch, ya little goober.

Love and scritches,
Brent and Amanda.

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