Emma's neck abscess... spreading?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
GTA, Ontario
Emma's neck abscess just popped and had the most pus I've ever seen. It has been flushed with saline for the time being.

The concern is that now her jaw on the side where the abscess is(was) has swoollen... or abscessed as well? I can see poryphorin deep in her ear canal. The site feels very hard so I'm worried that it has indeed abscessed inside her mouth.

I've emailed Dr. Munn, and am at a bit of a loss for now. I don't like the only vet I've seen in Markham (who fancies herself an exotics vet) and I don't know how much time I have to sit on this. She is eating and drinking well.
eating and drinking are always good things (obviously)

Maybe its just granular tissue due to the inflammatory response and the abscess?
Talked to Shelagh about it last night... REALLY don't think it's an abscess. :(





As you can see, it has made her whole face crooked now. It was not this bad last night... it seems a bit bigger now and last night it was not affecting her facial features as much. Now even her lips on that side look stretched out.

I tried to get pics of the blood in her ear.. obviously it was difficult. The pics don't really show it but there IS blood in there... way deep down :(


So worried :cry:
I had a rat with a lump in that same place. He was put on Novotrimel and after 2 weeks the lump went away. He must of had some type of infection. I'd try baytril if I were you.
Oh Emma baby :( I can do nothing but send hopes & prayers for you both, but you certainly have those. I hope she will be alright, what a sweet-faced little beauty!
Jo, she's been on Baytril/doxy for just over a week now. That particular lump only appeared yesterday, I really did not see a thing the day before. It's hard.. not soft like her abscess was.

Thank you, Fidget.
Poor sweetie. That is a worry for sure. I hope that it is an abscess, that it will respond to abs... maybe Chlorpalm will be worth trying? But it is a worry that a new lump came up so fast.

Healing vibes to your little love. :heart:
Poor Emma! I do hope Dr. Munn can fix her up good for you, Moon! I don't know if it would help at all, but putting my Penn on pred when she suddenly developed blood in her ear seemed to help her wonderfully. If nothing else, it would help any swelling to get Emma on an anti inflammatory. Might make her more comfy.
Thanks for the well wishes, all. Miss Emma is being her sweet self today, and is eating and exploring as usual, but her face looks just terrible... and she's gotten blood just all over her ear. I have caught her scratching at it a bit and there's definately fresh blood now as well. Her breathing seems to be just horrible today too.... I know one can not expect miracles after only a week of baytril/doxy but... she wasn't breathing this badly yesterday. Her little sides are just a'flutterin. :(

I just noticed that she seems skinnier today too. Sigh.

I'm hoping the breathing and possible weight loss are due to stress from... what ever it is on her face. Ugh, my poor dear girl.

Our appointment is at 6, I don't know if I can wait that long. I don't have a way to get their earlier, though, even if I wanted to. And Mike is having a bad day today, a bad prognosis for Emma could really kill him.
What's going on with her face could be the reason why she's stressed out and not breathing so good.
I sure hope there's some positive news with the vet.
So, we are back from the vet.

Dr Munn was happy to see Emma's abscess hole looking clean and pus free. I thought Emma had lost weight but there was actually a 14 gram gain this week.... the ladies really do love that Oxbow!

She was dismayed to see that Emma has an inner ear tumour. She recommended that we NOT do surgery... apparently other inner ear tumour removals she has performed have not gone so well. The general thought is the stress of the tumour HAS affected Emma's breathing, and abs should still do their job and get rid of her respiratory infection.

Emma is on metacam for pain/discomfort and a topical steroid, as she can not take internal steroids due to her infection.

So here's to hoping the steroid will shrink that tumour a bit and we can get some more time out of Miss Emma. She's still too happy/spunky to be going anywhere.
Emma's breathing is still crap and she still looks funny and lopsided, but I'm happy to announce that the Metacam has done what it's supposed to do... she no longer looks stressed out, and isn't picking at the tumour, so it's not bothering her quite like it was. I like waking up to a clear eyed, relatively happy Emma, instead of one covered in pory and blood. :D

Hopefully the metacam keeps her comfortable, and we can get everything back to where it's supposed to be... or at least close.