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Aug 29, 2010
I think my Rat is dying. He was hiding under the blanket, and was hit by something, I'm not sure what. His Nose was bleeding, and he ran across the bed sneezing large amounts of blood. I ran to get help, and washed his face and nose, then returned him to his cage. Since then he was been wheezing heavy, and lying very still. is it possbile he has a broken rib? or a punctured lung? The nearest vet that will deal with rats is 2 hours way from me, is it safe to move him and take him on a car journey? If not, is there anything I can do to diagnose/make him more comfortable?

PLEASE HELP, I don't know what to do!
My rat, Edward, had this issue a while ago.

Wrap him in a fleece blanket and try and pinch the bridge of his nose to stem the bleeding. It's unlikely, i think, that anything other than an issue in the nose/brain would cause this. He could have simply scratched the inside of his nose, or it may be too dry in the room so a blood vessel popped(just like our noses, if it's too dry, we get nosebleeds, right?).

If you cant do that, and have a small carrier, place him inside of it with fabric for him to lay on(that you don't mind getting dirty, like fleece or something).

With Edward, it did pass, eventually, I just had to keep him hydrated and make sure he would keep drinking. Offer him goodies like ensure or baby food or even gatorade just so you know he's getting liquids.

If you're positive it's blood and not Poryphrin(their snot, it's red, too), remember that it may LOOK like a lot of blood, but it's really NOT.

Thats if the bleeding hasn't stopped, yet. If it has, try offering him lots of liquids, baby food, so on to get him hydrated again. Even if they dont lose a lot of blood, bleeding is very tiring for rats. If he's still lethargic for a while after you've fed him and offered him liquids, I'd take him to the vet.
Are you sure he was injured or is it because of the red discharge from nose and eyes and how quiet he is? Can you listen to his lungs by the Rat Phone method? Pick up your rat and put his side right to your ear and listen for crackles, gurgles and wheezes. Normal lungs are very quiet. URI (upper respiratory infections) often start off the way you are describing. Now IF you are sure something fell on him or hit him, then he may have more internal damage.

waiting for your reply.
lilspaz68 said:
Are you sure he was injured or is it because of the red discharge from nose and eyes and how quiet he is? Can you listen to his lungs by the Rat Phone method? Pick up your rat and put his side right to your ear and listen for crackles, gurgles and wheezes. Normal lungs are very quiet. URI (upper respiratory infections) often start off the way you are describing. Now IF you are sure something fell on him or hit him, then he may have more internal damage.

waiting for your reply.

He does have a respitory infection, but I've been giving him batryl. I know it was deffinitly blood, since it was very dark red, and pouring from his nose like a nose bleed. I think something might have landed on him? His nose is no longer bleeding, but he is wheezing very loudly. Is it possbile he may have inhaled blood? He seems to be in some pain, but it still walking around, and when I picked him up his ribs didn't seem to be broken. when I was giving him his medication this morning, the wheezing was not this loud, so I'm fairly sure it's not caused by the URI.
I'd also at least call the vet, and see if you can get a phone consult... and then the vet can help you decide if its safe to drive him, if he needs to be seen, or if there is anything else you can do.
I know for broken bones, there isn't a ton they can do any way, but rats heal amazingly quickly. Don't give him ibuprofin or metacam tho, because those both thin out blood, and will make any bleeding he has worse.
Is there anything around that could have fallen on him?
Good luck!
::Sending good vibes::
Just remember to try not to worry too much... They know if you're worried, and it worries them. Rats do heal amazingly fast, and even my Edward after a four hour on/off nose bleed was lethargic and wheezing a little... Within an hour after he was fine, bright, silent and running around.

I hope your boy feels better as quick as Ed did. <3 Just remember to make sure he drinks.
Thanks so much for all the advice. The wheezing is still fairly loud, but not as frequent as it was a few min. ago. I'm going to try and get him to take somne water, and then see where he goes from there. Thanks again :3
If something did hit him he might have cracked a tooth root which would cause a lot of bleeding as well as aspirated some blood. Keep him warm and hydrated but you might need to a see a vet if he doesn't get any better soon.

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