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Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
Guelph, ON
Elphie is in terrible shape! It's 1:15 am and I don't know what to do, she's going down so fast.

I'm not sure spinal degeneration is the problem or the only one. There's blood all over her tail, her paws, particularly in one ear, I don't know if that's the source. She's trying to walk but doesn't seem to have a purpose, she's disoriented, and sags when she's not moving, and I don't know how to help her. I don't know if she has a few minutes (she was fine earlier tonight) or hours or what but I'm at a loss. I tried to contain her on my lap to see if it would bring her any comfort (the other three are walking all over her) but she keeps trying to move so I put her in her own cage.

I think this is the worst part of pet ownership, seeing them in so much distress, presumably pain, and feeling so useless.

Edit: It's now exactly one hour later, the blood has dried, she's now flopping on her side and now I'm hoping, for her sake, this doesn't last much longer. :sad3: I'll take her to Campus Estates tomorrow if she's still with me. There wasn't much point to this post because there's nothing that can be done but I suppose in my panic it made the most sense.
omg.. bronwyn... im soo sorry to hear this. i definately know what it feels like to feel so helpless(where i had to go thru rainas problems last week). i would probably seperate her if you can if the others are walking on her !? your poor elphie. i wish i could help you. the best i can do is give you and elphie a virtual hug :hugs: .. i hope she can either get better on her own tonight.. (which doesnt sound likely.. but i can hope).. or hope she goes quickly and peacefuly tonight...
i will be thinking of you guys .. and sending lots of good vibes.
good luck bronwyn. :sad3:
Thank you so much *hugs*
I put her in her own cage with Carefresh and fleece and I gave her a tiny, tiny dose of Metacam because she looks so miserable (no more bleeding) and at this point I'm not sure it matters. Her hind legs are just trembling away, her front legs nearly as useless. No new blood though in the past hour. Her eyes are half closed, sleepy looking.

I spent the past few hours stroking her and saying my goodbyes in case she isn't alive when I wake up. I don't know what to think, as she took a few drops of water and seems so happy to have a lab block with her (though still isn't eating it). She hasn't touched the peanut butter she adores either. But heck she sat up and attempted to groom her face. It doesn't look like something that will get better of course, so I hope this is a peaceful and fast death. :( Brie's waiting for her sister at the bridge!

Edit: It's 3:45 am and she got up and is drinking from her bottle. What the...?
ok.. so its six am.. and i still cant sleep :gaah: ...(gonna be a tired day tomorrow :doh: ) soooo i thought id come on here and check if there was any news.
wow.. she must have been thirsty to get up and start drinking in her condition. . makes me happy to hear tho... im glad you are there with her.. plus i know she knows she is a loved girl. :heart:
thats great that she stopped bleeding.... its so scairy to see!!!. maybe im just a panicker lol. i dunno. but they are our babies..
well. i hope the best for you and elphie. :cuddle:
im gonna try to sleep again. :roll:
Awwww...bleeding PT, stroke, it could've been many things. These are horrible nights, being alone with an animal in distress you cannot help but try to comfort. I am so sorry Bron. :sad3:

I hope she quietly slipped away without any pain this morning. ((hugs))
I've talked to my vet a few times about this and she's sure there's no pain at this point. Another vet had said the same thing.
It probably wasn't blood but just massive amounts of porphyrin. We've had some of our PT sufferers have that too. The porphyrin secretes so much...
I'm so sorry Bron, it's really hard to watch them go through this.
Hey guys, thanks so much for your kind words. :heart:

I was up with her until 4:30 am before I convinced myself to just go to bed. She's still alive. She's in that double decker purple and white Superpet cage and somehow the entire -upper- floor and ladder are covered in blood (or porphyrin?). My dad assures me the Metacam couldn't have done this as I can't help but wonder. He thinks it's neurological and as already suggested, it could be many things but it does all boil down to her being put to sleep right away.

I'm just about to try and pull myself together before making some calls to see if anyone can fit me in soon.
A metacam OD is seizures, etc.
Metacam can also cause bleeding/lack of ability to clot. It's a possible side effect of regular dosing. - by regular dosing I mean dosing within recommended guidelines and not necessarily being the result of an overdose.

I'm sorry about your girl Bronwyn. Will you have the vet do a post-mortem to determine exactly what has happened with her? Some answers may help with the greiving process.

Also, I always hold out hope until seeing the vet - maybe it's something they've seen before and can treat. My parents are at Campus Estates today with one of their bunnies, the vets there are so caring and knowledgeable. Good luck.
She just died. Like right now. I saw her last breath. Oh my god. My dear girl is covered in blood with her eyes open and I can't believe she went through this!
I asked them (and my dad) about the Metacam, they said one dose wouldn't have affected anything. :/ Though like Jo said she probably wasn't in pain. I just can't bear to do anything right now, just need a few minutes before putting her in a bag. :/
Yeah, only about three weeks of seperation, she and her sister are together again. Oi vey it hurts though.

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