Well over the past 5 years I've owned 10 rats total, I got down to the last 2, and my hairless rat died. So that left my greedy boy patches left. All my rats were friendly, loving to eachother and me and the family. Even though patches was old I didn't want him to be lonely so I made the decision to get 2 new rat pups which I got. Tiny cute babies.
But patches...he showed zero interest. No aggression, didn't even care to sniff them like normal. In fact hes avoiding them so much he gets into a hammock to escape, something hes never ever liked or used at all. The babies aren't aggressive at all, probably 1/10th his size and just view him as this massive climbing toy and bedmate. I just don't know why patches is so unhappy, he seems generally depressed, he kinda comes to the cage bars and begs to be removed to be away from them even though the pair of brothers have done nothing to him. They are too busy enjoying fruit and chewing everything. I mean I've seen aggression and dominance and even fear in rattie introductions but this is weird, hes apathetic/avoidant. Beginning to wonder if I should give the babies back? I've never seen him so unhappy.
He allows them to sleep beside and things like that but in general pretends they don't exist. (Unless they have a yummy piece of food, hes quite a greedy boy)
Any ideas what I should do or what is wrong? Hes been alone for 2 months while I searched for non-petstore, healthy babies for him.
Also, yes the thought that he might be reaching his end thus slowing down occured to me but I don't think this is the case due to the fact I take him out and he plays with the cats happily, and runs around curious, its just the babies that make him shut down.
But patches...he showed zero interest. No aggression, didn't even care to sniff them like normal. In fact hes avoiding them so much he gets into a hammock to escape, something hes never ever liked or used at all. The babies aren't aggressive at all, probably 1/10th his size and just view him as this massive climbing toy and bedmate. I just don't know why patches is so unhappy, he seems generally depressed, he kinda comes to the cage bars and begs to be removed to be away from them even though the pair of brothers have done nothing to him. They are too busy enjoying fruit and chewing everything. I mean I've seen aggression and dominance and even fear in rattie introductions but this is weird, hes apathetic/avoidant. Beginning to wonder if I should give the babies back? I've never seen him so unhappy.
He allows them to sleep beside and things like that but in general pretends they don't exist. (Unless they have a yummy piece of food, hes quite a greedy boy)
Any ideas what I should do or what is wrong? Hes been alone for 2 months while I searched for non-petstore, healthy babies for him.
Also, yes the thought that he might be reaching his end thus slowing down occured to me but I don't think this is the case due to the fact I take him out and he plays with the cats happily, and runs around curious, its just the babies that make him shut down.