Early stages of PT. Advice please!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2009
Northern Gulf Islands, BC
Dipoiios has just started showing signs of a Pituitary Tumour*. Today. I watched PT take down my strong Grurder, and I will not sit by and let the same happen to my Dippy.
It's very mild at the moment (slowed movement, lethargy, very slight curling in the fingers), but I have an appointment booked for the vet tomorrow, and I need to know what the best treatments for PT are.
Please let me know what's worked best for your little furkids. I cannot let this have the best of her.

*edit to clarify
Yes, I checked. She's not lost her balance at all yet, and her paws are still functioning much better than those pictures in the link above so I'm hoping if I get her on medication and/or steroids tomorrow she'll show quick improvement. I just don't know what to get her on to make sure it's effective. I've dealt with PT before too, but never managed to catch it this early on.
The vague early symptoms can go on and off, and i found that treating it did nothing at that stage. Will the vet be able to diagnose anything if they don't see any overt symptoms?
I'm off to work for the morning. I have only had time to look at her briefly, and she seems to be holding out alright. She is slow, but continues to maintain balance as she toddles around. I'll have my roommate check in on her through the day and text me updates.
Send healing vibes!
We're back!
(un)Fortunately, Dipoiios wasn't showing her symptoms today, but he checked her over and asked in detail about what I did see. They were closing up at the end of my visit, so he's going to be doing some research into different types of steroids, as well as alternative treatments. He said for now to keep a close eye on her and that he will get back to me as soon as possible with the information he turns up.
I also checked with him about some metacam I have leftover, and he confirmed I can still use it if she seems to need it before we put her on a more permanent treatment.

I'll keep the thread posted as things move along.
Thanks guys!
Good news! Dipoiios is showing no symptoms today! She even seems far more alert and active than yesterday! I gave her the cheerio test again and she passed with flying colours. I'll try to snap some pictures to follow with this thread.
My vet's not called me back in regards to treatments yet, but I want to make sure he does his research well; there could be new treatments with a better result, or a certain steroid that is more effective.

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