Ear issues?

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Nov 28, 2008
So there is a rat at work( i work at a pet store) and iv been watching him for the last couple of weeks and at the begining he just looked like he had a little bit of a balance problem or some sort of neurological problem, but as time has went on iv payed more attention, an he has a head tilt, now a massive one, but its there, he walks favoring towards that direction. He cant stand on his hind legs without holding something or he falls over. I have seen this with mice n it has to do with some virus in the ear but its very quick and they fall apart very quickly whereas he isnt. I looked in his ears n there doesnt seem to be anything that looks abnormal, so if it is a ear problem its deep in the inner ear? Any suggestions?
He likely has an inner ear infection.
He needs immediate aggressive treatment with antibiotics (baytril + clavamox, or chloremphenicol).
Many vets also will put rats in this condition on a steriod or NSAID (such as prednisone) for a few weeks in order to reduce the swelling and decrease the amount of permanent damage.

There are several other things that could be wrong but the treatment for all is the same and an inner ear infection is the most likely.
He needs to see a vet immediately!
Since he was not treated early, he will likely have some permanent damage, but should still be able to have a good life.
Please make sure he sees a vet and gets the medical treatment he needs tomorrow.
I concur... he probably has an ear infection and needs to be treated asap if he's to have any chance of a full or partial recovery.

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