Drinking from paws?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2010
Some of you might know I bought water bowls for the ratties to drink from today..
I´ve noticed that Nirvana drinks from her paws..
Does anyone has a clue why she does it?(I saw one rat do it on a dvd to - a science project about lab rats being released into the wild? don´t remember the name).

Its a carry over from their wild beginnings. A rat that can raise the water to its mouth and keep its head up to keep an eye out for predators is more likely to survive. The one I want to know about is the digging in water bowls...not sure what that means but it is soooo funny!!!
lilspaz68 said:
Its a carry over from their wild beginnings. A rat that can raise the water to its mouth and keep its head up to keep an eye out for predators is more likely to survive. The one I want to know about is the digging in water bowls...not sure what that means but it is soooo funny!!!
That do make sense!
Didn´t think of that..
Does it make the water significantly dirtier than regular drinking?(I already change it a couple of times a day, more if it looks dirty)
Haven't a clue in the world why - but it's so very cute. I have one of these water bowls as well and mine tend to use it for bathing purposes (they still have their water bottle to drink from). Who knows what goes on in the mind of a creative rattie! :giggle:
rattytat said:
Haven't a clue in the world why - but it's so very cute. I have one of these water bowls as well and mine tend to use it for bathing purposes (they still have their water bottle to drink from). Who knows what goes on in the mind of a creative rattie! :giggle:
I´m hoping her creativity is used up during clicker training :giggle:
Mine only have water bowls now, since bottles are a lot of hassle(noise, they don´t understand drinking from the same bottles etc)..
Alright, I'm going to ask this question which will probably make me sound really stupid - but I'm going to go for it anyway...what is clicker training? :oops:
rattytat said:
Alright, I'm going to ask this question which will probably make me sound really stupid - but I'm going to go for it anyway...what is clicker training? :oops:
Clicker training is simply explained training that uses positive reinforcements(rewards/treats), and not aversive training(Any circumstance or event that causes pain, fear, or emotional discomfort.). A clicker is a device that means "click = exactly THAT was what I wanted you to do - reward is on it´s way".. It improves timing A LOT, so if you want your dog to sit, you can click exactly when the dog´s butt touches the ground(rewarded for sitting down, and not for sitting still).

If you go to my picture thread, you can see a film of how I´m training Nirvana. I´m not really good at it yet tho, since we´ve just gotten started. If you´re wondering anything else, just PM me and I´ll try to answer.

ETA: added link http://www.ratshackforum.com/forum/view ... 79#p367179
Thanks Helen. Being a psychology major in university (a million years ago) that's exactly what popped into my mind. But, being a rattie owner for less than a year, I doubted my initial thoughts. Looked at your thread - really great. If i could get ever one of mine to sit on a scale to see how much they weigh would be an incredible accomplishment. :lol:

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