Doxy Dosage Question - Refrigerate?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2009
I have a bottle of Vibramycin Syrup or Doxy and it's concentration is 50mg/5ml. It was prescribed for one of the rats weighing just over 600g and his dosage is 3cc twice a day for 21-30 days. He gave me extra for the other rats who are also having respiratory issues but I need help figuring out the dosage because on the rat med guide has dosages for a concentration of 5mg/ml and I just want to make sure I'm not giving too much so if someone with more experience with meds could double check my guesses I'd really appreciate it!

The other rats that need it weigh

Rosie 350 g
Rupert 490 g
Rufus 485g
Zoe 360g

So I was thinking that Rufus and Rupert would be on 2.5cc and Rosie and Zoe on 1.5 to 2cc but I just want to be sure.
My rats all get prescribed the same amount of Doxi prescribed (.02 cc's of 100mg/ml, essentially 2mg/rat, twice a day), regardless of weight, it's their Batryl that fluctuates. My rats weigh between 255g and 470g, so I think they all get the same amount because of rounding.

Rat Guide ( ... ycline.php) recommends between 2.5mg/kg and 5mg/lb, twice a day. When Mycoplasma is suspected to be involved, the dosage is 5mg/kg, which is about what I'm typically prescribed.

If your 600g rat was prescribed 3cc at 50mg/5ml (=10mg/ml), that would make their dose 30mg/dose (you didn't specify if it was once or twice a day) or 50mg per kilogram of body weigh, which is about 10 times the recommended amount (for Myco related infections.) Is it possible you wrote down the wrong dosage? (My own math may be wrong, so maybe someone else can weigh in.) If that is the dosage you were prescribed (and my math is right) I would call the vet to confirm, it sounds like there is a missing decimal place somewhere.

If you follow the 5mg/kg, twice a day guideline, the dosages would be:

Rosie and Zoe: .2cc's of 50mg/5ml, twice a day
Rupert and Rufus: .25cc's of 50mg/5ml, twice a day

Please someone else check my math! I'm writing this while I do intros and my full attention is not focused on it.q
Victoria, not sure why your vet gives the same amount of doxy for all weights...shouldn't really be a rounding issue :S . Also the dose of doxy the vet prescribed to Slapdash is correct...not quite sure what you mean victoria.

Anyways here are the doses I get:
Rosie- 0.175
Rupert- 0.245
Rufus- 0.242
Zoe- 0.180
Hope that helps.
I think my vet gives me the same doses because their meds are calculated and then rounded to the nearest 1/100th of a cc. A 255g should get 1.275 mg, .02 cc's would work out to 2 mg. A 460g (I checked my records and that was my heaviest rat last time we got Doxi) should get 2.3 mg. I'm not sure why his was rounded down and the others' up, maybe because .1cc of Doxy would be too little? I will ask next time we go.

I don't think that the dosage Slapdash wrote in the OP post is correct. If the rat weighs 600g, they should be given 0.3cc's of Doxi twice a day not 3cc's. Amanda's calculations are more precise than mine though, I did them roughly in my head.

ETA: Digi beat me to it.
So the concentration of your bottle is 10 mg/ml.
The dosage for doxy is 2.5 to 5 mg/Ib twice a day for 6 weeks or longer (Rat Health Care book)
1 Ib = 454.4 g

at 5 mg/Ib:
600 g rat = 6.6 mg doxy = 0.67 ml or 0.67 cc

Rosie 350 g = 3.9 mg doxy = 0.39 ml or 0.39 cc
Rupert 490 g = 5.4 mg doxy = 0.54 ml or 0.54 cc
Rufus 485g = 5.3 mg doxy = 0.53 ml or o.53 cc
Zoe 360g = 4.0 mg doxy = 0.4 ml or 0.4 cc

at 2.5 mg/Ib:
600 g rat = 0.33 ml or 0.33 cc

Rosie 350 g = 0.19 ml or 0.19 cc
Rupert 490 g = 0.27 ml or 0.27 cc
Rufus 485g = 0.27 ml or 0.27 cc
Zoe 360g = 0.2 ml or 0.2 cc

(The values above were rounded off.)
WoW Thank you everyone for taking the time to figure that out :thumbup: Yes I did mean .3cc I thought I had typed that and I meant .25 cc and .15 cc, sorry it was late lol :emb: Since I pretty much know two of my guys are suffering from myco flare ups I'm going to dose them all with the higer dosage from the rat med guide. Thank you again! :bow:
Does the doxy syrup need to be refrigerated? Please tell me it doesn't because it does not say it on the bottle and it has not been for the past two days...
Was it dispensed by a "human" pharmacy or your vet? I would check with whomever dispensed it and see if they'll replace it free of charge if they didn't tell you you had to refrigerate. The Doxy I get has to be refrigerated, but there are different ways of formulating a suspension so you'll want to check to make sure.
Once it has been mixed up it is kept in the fridge to give it a longer shelf life.
The doxy we get is always good for 14 days once mixed if kept in the firdge.

It would be good to check with whomever you bought it from.
You may also want to check on how long it is good for.
Myco is usually treated for 4 to 6 weeks or longer, 6 weeks is recommended.
I get my doxy from my local compounding pharmacy with a prescription from my vet. Mine last 30 days at room temp kept in the dark.

Also don't give any dairy while giving doxy, it lessens the effectiveness.

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