Doxy Capsule Dosage

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I used to always get Doxy already mixed from my local compounding store. Just before Toby got better I asked if we could get the capsules to have on hand, by the time we got them Toby was better :mrgreen:, so we have not had to use them yet, so therefore we have no dosing information.

Eve my new girl got Baytril Monday past because she was showing signs of a resp infection (red around the eyes, sneezing and squeky breathing)

She gets 0.11 ml twice a day for 4 weeks. The baytril concentration is 50 ml diluted to 25 ml

Today is only day 5 on the meds, she seemed to be getting a bit better yesterday and the day before, but today she has more red around her eyes and is sneezing more. I want to add the Doxy now before it get's any worse but I am unsure of the dose to give her.

She weighs 290 grams (as of today)

500 mg capsule mix with 50 lms of liquid, discard after 30 days, also it does not say how to store it, do I put it in the fridge??

When we used to get Doxy mixed at my local compounding pharmacy, it was good for 30 days at room temp, but I have read that capsules are only good for 14 days in the fridge.

The Doxy capsules came from Summit Vet Pharamacy in Ontiario
I only have a dose for Toby. As the pills were for him at first. He is off for a week so I can't ask him.
Hmm your vet really should have provided you with that information but dosing guidelines can be found through the Rat Medication Guide if you are comfortable doing it yourself. Also my vet believes when you just mix doxy yourself (meaning it doesn't come from a compounding pharmacy with a suspension) that its only good for 14 days once mixed and should be refrigerated.

Also just for my sake (as I am confused) are you spelling does like dose? I'm just having issues keeping them straight.
I have the correct dosage now!

My vet would have the corret dosage for me if he was in, but he is out of the clinic for a week.

We only got these capsules a while ago and never got the chance to use them because Toby got better.

I have it mixed now and put in the Fridge. I iwll discard it after 14 days just to be sure.

When we got the Doxy from the compounding pharmacy it was good for 30 days at room temp!
Like it said a compounding pharmacy has different methods of mixing the doxy in a suspension that makes it good for longer. But when you are just mixing it with water and something else and shaking it it will not have the same shelf life.
I have Doxy capsules at 100 mg. I mix one capsule with 10 mls of water, keep in fridge and discard after 14 days. Hope this helps. I mix mine with grenadine, much tastier for the ratties.

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