Dopey help!

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Oct 15, 2010
Dopey is Toby's brother. We lost toby on June 22 pretty sure it was his heart. Dopey has a heart defect as well. It is only time before he lose him.

I pulled the boys to let them out, and I was watching dopey repeatedly step out of the hammock with one hand, like he was blind and couldnt see the ground he was like feeling for it. He went to all 3 sides. I grabbed him he is trembling.

I can hear the air moving freely I don't think it is his lungs. He seems to have a bit of labored breathing but it is almost fear stricken not pain.

I gave him a cheerio he took it, and held it with both hands.

How do i know when his heart has had enough?
it isnt the hiccups. The thing that concerns me, is how he was pawing at the ground trying to feel somewhere to step. I thought it was a stroke maybe or some sort of seizure. I can see the labored breathing and but I can hear him breathing fine. He is also biting all the boys that have came near him. he is also almost walking into things, he moves at the last second. I cant pinpoint the problem but something is off. The pawing, the trembling, bruxing he never does it, and the goosebumps something is happening.

For the last few days I have had a horrible feeling my heart keeps telling me it is almost his time. Not sure why but I cant shake it.
for some reason, i keep thinking he's suddenly blind and he's really scared...feeling his way along, biting at anyone who comes near them, stress bruxxing etc.

Do his nailbeds look darker than usual, are his tails and toes cold?
Nope they are pink so that is good right.. I dont know the signs to look for but i know something is off today.

that is what i am thinking about the blind, he is just walking low to the ground like he isnt sure anymore. he almost walked into the big green barn they have.

his feet are the same temp as the other boys. He was really cold earlier but it isnt cold in here today.

He is acting fine now kinda, still breathing hard but and walking odd that is why I did the cheerio thing.
It does kind of sound like he's suddenly gone blind... rats may have bad eyesight, but they certainly use what they've got... when I brought Archie home, he was very scared in new places at first, lots of fear poops and trembling. After a week or so, he would explore the environment around him while keeping contact with me. A little while after that, he worked his way around entire rooms, feeling his way up the walls and along furniture.

Sudden blindness sounds like it could be a symptom of a stroke, or a massive drop in blood pressure... I really hope your boy gets over this.
That is what we are watching for. I know the seizure types in human and can totally place it with a human one, but the name is slipping away from me right now lol. He seems ok now, still seems to be breathing harder but I am going to keep an eye on him.

He is getting around better now than he was earlier and he isnt as bitey to the boys. I guess these guys are determined to make me learn it all :)
No he was still with it, when I called his name he was coming towards me. you loose consciousness with petit mal, there are ones that you are still awake, but have involuntary limb movement.

Simple partial seizure that is it awake but can have the limb movement. he wasn't out of it, he was totally confused.
my sister had them, no clue what she was doing during it lol but would keep on doing it, but was off in la la land during. These can last as long too he would stop when I called his name that is why it dont make sense. he was cold to the touch. Shelagh asked if he could of had a stroke but he seemed ok after just kinda dazed. I thought there was some sort of weakness on one side but he didnt seem to have it, grabbed a cheerio right up. I dont know if his ear is bugging him and he was off kilter from it or what.

I am hoping it is a one time thing I hate to stress him to take him to the vet. He isnt an option for any surgery so I am hoping it is just a fluke?
so it isnt the typical weakness on one side? Interesting.

i do read almost all post to learn but dang it seems like there is so much that can be unseen even when you do read the posts on here.

The only thing I knew to do was listen to see if he was breathing normally and hand him a cheerio to see if both hands worked.
I had a huge scare on my birthday this year when it seemed like Sophie lost her eyesight. Called the vet first thing in the morning and by the time I brought her in she was back to normal but there was definitely something wrong the previous night/that morning. He concluded it was probably some sort of stroke or seizure as well and I was terrified she would have another one but thankfully she never did. We never did figure out with certainty what was wrong with her but she recovered on her own and never had any similar issues. I hope it's the same with Dopey. :hugs:

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