Dog Sure for sick or elderly rats..?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
Ontario, Canada
So I picked up Dog Sure from my store but I havent opened it yet incase its not right. Willard has a vet appointment tomorrow again (baytril alone isnt working) and he's barely eating his blocks, only salads, hes lost weight. so I was going to give him this. Is this the right kind?


LOL I didnt know that it was a human one that you use in the first place, everytime someone said ensure I always thought of the animal ones :giggle: well then...
well I work at a berrys pet food store, and we can just take things and pay for it the day after so I havent bought it , we just leave a list of what we take, its 8.99.
Rattus said:
well I work at a berrys pet food store, and we can just take things and pay for it the day after so I havent bought it , we just leave a list of what we take, its 8.99.


And if its anything like our regular Ensure its only good for a couple of days. I'll stick with my cheap stuff :D
now that I know there is human stuff I can get that LOL Ive never heard of it. Pet supples are ALWAYS more expensive then people things for some reason.
oh my i never knew they had some for pets lol yeah Ensure or the no name brand in pharmacies are cheaper about $2.29 for no name and $3 for named brand(ensure,boost) all of them are all the same i think. We get the pecan kind from ensure seems mine like that one best.
Isn't Ensure quite high in fat and calories? Or is that the entire point, that maybe as a last resort to get some calories into a sick rat, it's better than nothing.

I wouldn't be surprised if the DogSure is the same thing as Ensure, just in a different package, at 3X the price. Can you spell RIP OFF?
Rattus said:
well I work at a berrys pet food store, and we can just take things and pay for it the day after so I havent bought it , we just leave a list of what we take, its 8.99.

I didn't know that Berrys Pet Food was still around. I used to work for the company a long time ago. :D
It's true that Ensure is higher in fat, protein and calories which is why it should only be given to rats who are very sick and have stopped eating their blocks.

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